I smiled when I saw this link. Cory Schuab launched this company and has property and they boat on our lake outside Traverse City. Does multiple products now, including pontoon diving boards.
When we first ordered our Bennington in 2017 I was seriously considering putting a Lilipad diving board on the back port side of the boat. That’s when I had also come across their dockside fuel set up. If not for me filling up exclusively at the marina near our cottage, I’d have added this fuel accessory to our dock.
And the only reason we didn’t get the diving board is due to the general shallowness of Houghton Lake. We didn’t want to risk someone diving in and us having drifted into shallower water. If I were on deeper water, I would toss their diving board on our boat in a heartbeat. I think its a very slick accessory!