Privacy Curtain - busted


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I have a brand new 22SSX and the privacy curtain, the snap that is screwed into the sundeck, has ripped out 3 times. Once at the dealer where he screwed it back in and twice now that Ive had it in my lake - now have 3 nice little holes...Boat has been on the water for 1 week...This is for the snap that is used to attach to the strap which secures the privacy curtain when not in use.  Not getting any good feedback from the dealer other than, ya you have to watch out for that....For a $300+ upgrade I would expect a better solution than that.  Assume there are others out there with the same problem?  I am thinking of getting a small metal place that has multiple points to screw into the sun deck and then attach the snap to that piece for greater leverage.   Would love to hear of any other options or solutions.
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Thanks for letting me know.   Mine never came with the boat as i had ordered.   I'm now waiting for Bennington to send a new seat and have it installed.   Mine would be coming out of the back of one of the seats.  
Pictures of the problem might be helpful...
No worries. They just might help some of us picture the situation a bit better. :)
Use my privacy curtain all the time and have never had a problem the the retainer strap for when in storage. 

I would, like you said make a small plate and then attach the snap to that. 
sound like screw is too short, or not a wood screw? Try a little longer screw, but not a lot longer. It sounds like just not enough bite into the sun deck. 
One day when opening it the wind took the privacy out of my hand and it flew up and took the screw that holds the pneumatic out of the railing.  Rather than going back to dealer my local guy drilled all the way through it and put washers and bolted it in
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I busted the assist struts on mine in a rush to stow it prior to a rapidly approaching thunderstorm. Fortunately, they are an auto parts store item. Easy Peasy!
The strap the holds mine in storage started to fray and I just put a stainless steel washer on it to see if it holds. I did add a few snaps at the floor level to keep it in place and also enable one hand zippering. I'm with SEMPERFI8387 as to the screw length. That may just b all it needs!