PSA - Toon Growth

Yup, and it's much easier to remove before it gets that bad. I've noticed just a light growth will cost 1-2 MPH. I carry two polypropylene brushes (long and short handles). Just a few minutes for even a partial job while parked at some island beach pays off. A couple times a year, I go under the pontoon to get what is on the inside of the pontoons too....thankfully, growth is much slower without direct sunlight. Don't know if getting underneath is possible for tri-toons?
Yup, and it's much easier to remove before it gets that bad. I've noticed just a light growth will cost 1-2 MPH. I carry two polypropylene brushes (long and short handles). Just a few minutes for even a partial job while parked at some island beach pays off. A couple times a year, I go under the pontoon to get what is on the inside of the pontoons too....thankfully, growth is much slower without direct sunlight. Don't know if getting underneath is possible for tri-toons?
Im 6'4" and I can get under my SPS .But there is no way I can get under an ESP .That is the only reason I dont have it
What type of pad do you use so it isn’t too abrasive and takes the Sharkhide off? I’m new to this. :)
Rag, sponge, sock, old shirt, anything soft and cottony....
Everytime we go out we anchor in a No Wake zone cove and get in the water and float and swim around. Might as well be productive and get those sponges and rags out. We don't let the crap accumulate on the toons. And yes Party Barge if I can get this 225 lb. Hawaiian frame underneath and in between the toons to wipe the center toon, ANYBODY on this forum can! There's plenty of room under there!
WOW ! Did you tell the owner about the Bennington Forum? I think he needs some guidance.
I'll etch with my finger "please wash me" on his floating garden. It's actually pretty amazing how much growth is on there.

Might have to throw on a coat of this stuff myself to help prolong the time between cleanings, looks like one or two $60 cana might be enough. Any use this or is it Sharkhide or bust?

I use 2 car wash mits .
I have Sharkhide and get it reapplied every other season .
If you leave your boat it a slip ( I do ) the Sharkhide wears off below the water line in about 2 weeks . But the slime still comes off easier than untreated .
Here is a link for Sharkhide .
Good pic of Sharkhide above and below the water line.....
If you leave your boat it a slip ( I do ) the Sharkhide wears off below the water line in about 2 weeks . But the slime still comes off easier than untreated .
Yup. our pontoon is always in the water and the experience with clear coatings, expensive of not, is the same. Works best for us to knock off the scum before it gets too tough...doubt we will ever bottom paint. Good to read that working under a tri-toon is not a problem...maybe one will work for our next pontoon. I am not 225#, but entirely too close...
Yup. our pontoon is always in the water and the experience with clear coatings, expensive of not, is the same. Works best for us to knock off the scum before it gets too tough...doubt we will ever bottom paint. Good to read that working under a tri-toon is not a problem...maybe one will work for our next pontoon. I am not 225#, but entirely too close...
There was one year when we moved to Lake Norman that we had a fuel pump issue at the beginning of the season and we didn't Sharkhide it after having it acid washed before putting it in storage. We had the hardest time removing the crap off the toons that year. Never again...... Also used to weigh a solid linebacker like 256. (Cop in DC) But before retiring lost 50 lbs. So 225 has been my retirement weight so far. Ha!
I am actually looking forward to cleaning the tunes while at the sandbar. I think I might go a bit stir crazy when we’re out on the water all day without some type of project to keep me busy. My dual tunes have shark hide applied, so I am hoping it is not a laborious task. Plus, I’m sure I will have to do the same for my lower unit as we are mandated by my marina to keep our engines in the lowered position all the time when docked because the lanes are narrow. The only caveat to my cleaning plan is that the boat goes in the water at the end of April, but my butt is not going in the water until June. I might have to buy a wetsuit!
I am actually looking forward to cleaning the tunes while at the sandbar. I think I might go a bit stir crazy when we’re out on the water all day without some type of project to keep me busy. My dual tunes have shark hide applied, so I am hoping it is not a laborious task. Plus, I’m sure I will have to do the same for my lower unit as we are mandated by my marina to keep our engines in the lowered position all the time when docked because the lanes are narrow. The only caveat to my cleaning plan is that the boat goes in the water at the end of April, but my butt is not going in the water until June. I might have to buy a wetsuit!
Like Jack I wax the crap out of the panels and of course the entire motor from top to bottom. The crap is still going to stick to the lower unit but it comes off little easier with a few coats of wax on it! I also keep my motor down in the water. But only because I'm afraid of my $700 prop is going to disappear. (And I have a prop lock on it!)
I am actually looking forward to cleaning the tunes while at the sandbar. I think I might go a bit stir crazy when we’re out on the water all day without some type of project to keep me busy. My dual tunes have shark hide applied, so I am hoping it is not a laborious task. Plus, I’m sure I will have to do the same for my lower unit as we are mandated by my marina to keep our engines in the lowered position all the time when docked because the lanes are narrow. The only caveat to my cleaning plan is that the boat goes in the water at the end of April, but my butt is not going in the water until June. I might have to buy a wetsuit!
I cleaned mine at least once a month last summer, that kept them pretty clean and I enjoyed it, call me weird