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Hi All!

Looking at pulling the trigger on a SSBXPA and I would like some user feedback please.

1. How does the Simtex Vinyl hold up? If you had the choice would you go back to traditional vinyl?

2. How do you like the swing back lounge? Is it useful or gimmicky?

3. I live on a small lake so I was looking at a 60Hp motor but is it worth it to go to 90 or 115 for resell value?

Hi All!

Looking at pulling the trigger on a SSBXPA and I would like some user feedback please.

1. How does the Simtex Vinyl hold up? If you had the choice would you go back to traditional vinyl?

2. How do you like the swing back lounge? Is it useful or gimmicky?

3. I live on a small lake so I was looking at a 60Hp motor but is it worth it to go to 90 or 115 for resell value?


1) We love our Simtex. Got ours in 2017, and the seats still look brand new. I would not go back to traditional vinyl. Love the Simtex so much better.

2) We have a SSBXP. We absolutely love the swingback lounge. For us, it is a great set up. We have the rail around it, so we use it for our spotters when tubing, almost always 1-2 people back there in a slow cruise; And it is a great spot to just layout in the sun.

3) Not sure. If you are only talking about adding HP only for resale, it never hurts. However, I think for it to really mater you’d need to be 115 or more for it to stand out as a bonus in resale. And then, you’d want it to be a tritoon as well...
1) We love our Simtex. Got ours in 2017, and the seats still look brand new. I would not go back to traditional vinyl. Love the Simtex so much better.

2) We have a SSBXP. We absolutely love the swingback lounge. For us, it is a great set up. We have the rail around it, so we use it for our spotters when tubing, almost always 1-2 people back there in a slow cruise; And it is a great spot to just layout in the sun.

3) Not sure. If you are only talking about adding HP only for resale, it never hurts. However, I think for it to really mater you’d need to be 115 or more for it to stand out as a bonus in resale. And then, you’d want it to be a tritoon as well...

I agree 100% with the above answer to your question. Simtex cleans easier than traditional vinyl and you only have to use a wet microfiber towel. I think it is also slightly cooler than the traditional vinyl.
you mentioned resell value. I don't think you will achieve that unless you have a min 150 back there. We went without the rail but we have no little ones. People can be back there while underway at idle speeds. I might or might not have gone a little faster ;) We just didn't want to crawl over every time we were going in or out of the water.
I think the resale question depends on how soon you may sell it - in the next 2-3 I would agree with others the more the better and 150 seems like a minimum. Keep in mind many of your buyers will be on larger bodies of water than you and a 90 or 115 just won’t cut it. You could end up discounting the sale price for the amount you could have bought the 150 for, and lost those years of having the bigger plant of the back.

If you’re going to hold much longer (10 years?) the buyer may repower anyhow so it may be less critical.
I agree with the opinions expressed thus far. Simtex is far superior to traditional vinyl. It stays cleaner and when you do clean it, it only requires a wet microfiber cloth. And I think it looks much better, almost fabric like.
3. I live on a small lake so I was looking at a 60Hp motor but is it worth it to go to 90 or 115 for resell value?
We are on a 400 acre lake with a 50 hp. Not interested in water sports and weren’t looking for resale purposes. It has served us very well, love it every time we go out and still have no plans to “trade up”. As stated above, think about your use and how long you plan to keep it. As you can see in my signature it is a 2013 that was delivered Memorial Day that year.
Here's how i look at it. I plan to always keep my 150. I bought it new, so I know its history and I know it's been maintained and not abused. I MIGHT trade up on the boat someday, but I'll keep my motor and put it on the new boat. That's one advantage of an outboard. It comes off.