Rail mount


Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
Hey all, since I don't have my 2275RCW yet, can someone take a close up pic of the inside of the rail? More specifically where the panel comes up and meets the top rail. I have an idea for a BBQ mount, but need to see a close up pic to see if it will work. Thanks to any that help!

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Oh, and since most of the rail is covered by seating, I guess the best shot would be at the helm or a gate. Thanks.
Different model, however, I have a pic of my grill mount in the gallery.

Different model, however, I have a pic of my grill mount in the gallery.

Hey Shawn, thanks for responding, I have a rail mount that currently works on my 2075GLi, but the new models have a different rail system where the panel goes all the way to the top rail, therefore the bolts that would normally go underneath the rail are not able to do so. This leaves the problem of an unsturdy BBQ hanging off the rail. I have found the pedestal mounts for the rear deck, but would like to see if I can make this idea work. Thanks again.

BC, if you wait til Thursday evening, I'll be down on the boat and can take pictures for you. What/where exactly do you want them?
BC, if you wait til Thursday evening, I'll be down on the boat and can take pictures for you. What/where exactly do you want them?
SZ, that'd be great, if your inside the railing, a nice close up shot of the top railing where the panel meets it/is attached to it. What I'm wondering is if there is a small lip underneath the rail and the panel is mounted in the center of the bottom of the top rail or if it is semi flush with the inside, or more flush to the outside. Does that make sense to anyone but me? Hehe basically if you did a cut away of the rail from the top to the bottom, then looked through the square opening, would where the panel meet look like a T or an upside down L? Thanks to all who can understand my gibberish!

I understand. I'll take a few for you. PM me your email address and I'll send them to you tomorrow.
BC, I sent you some photos. The top metal rail is almost completely flush on the inside. It has maybe 1mm of lip. On the outside you have almost an inch of lip. The tube is perfectly square, mounted offset towards the inside. Let me know if I can help with anything else.
Dang, haven't looked in my inbox yet, thanks for doing that, that little lip might not be enough. Might be back to the old thinking room! Thanks! :)

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I've thought a lot about BBQs for the boat over the winter. The standard Magmas and other "boat" BBQs are pricey, and have questionable reviews.

I really like the small portable weber gas grills, like the Weber Q. Here's a link: http://www.amazon.co...38656225&sr=8-6

I don't have one, but a friend does. They are heavy duty. You could probably use it as a jack stand if you had too. Cooking grates are very heavy too.

I'd like to get one of those to use for tailgating and trips and stuff, and ALSO for use on the boat. That's where things get tricky. It has 4 legs, and not sure how to mount it.

Any ideas? It's pretty heavy at 31 lbs.
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You are right the Magma's are pricey. I have the Magma Kettle 2 and I also have a shore stand. This was an optional accesory but allows you to use for tailgating, cooking on a picnic table, etc. So you wouldn't be limited to just the boat. We've only used it two or three times so far but it seems to be well made.

We also looked at the Weber grill - and it would be a fine choice. Ultimately I liked the SS Magmas.

Hey all, since I don't have my 2275RCW yet, can someone take a close up pic of the inside of the rail? More specifically where the panel comes up and meets the top rail. I have an idea for a BBQ mount, but need to see a close up pic to see if it will work. Thanks to any that help!

I purchased a Springfield rail mount gas grill on ebay for our newPhoto05111726_1.jpg 2275 GCW and mounted it on the side door and it works great.

I purchased a Springfield rail mount gas grill on ebay for our newView attachment 306 2275 GCW and mounted it on the side door and it works great.

Hey Royo, thanks for the pic, I have a rail mount that worked on my 2075GLi, but it has an open rail all the way around (notice how yours can have mounting brackets that go over and under the square tubing) the new rail design doesn't allow for this type of mounting option since the panel comes right to the top railing. I am working on an idea, but since I won't have my boat for probably another month, all I can do is plan and speculate that it will work. Thanks though!

Hey Royo, thanks for the pic, I have a rail mount that worked on my 2075GLi, but it has an open rail all the way around (notice how yours can have mounting brackets that go over and under the square tubing) the new rail design doesn't allow for this type of mounting option since the panel comes right to the top railing. I am working on an idea, but since I won't have my boat for probably another month, all I can do is plan and speculate that it will work. Thanks though!

You are right and the only places that I could put the grill are on the front door (not good) or on the side door. This grill also comes with a pedestal which we thought about getting and put outside the rear fence on the swim deck.

Okay, reviving this thread a little, haven't made the bracket I have in my mind for mounting the BBQ, but did come up with another thought. What about using the ski pylon? Let me explain. So the pylon is roughly 3 inches thick, so I thought about taking 3 inch stainless tubing, my machine shop said they could easily 'stretch' it for me, have about a 4-6 inch length that would just slide right over top of the pylon, with a plate welded on top of it that has mounting holes to match up with the BBQ of one's choice. I also thought of that matting that people use on their decks for under the household bbq's to make sure grease or something doesn't drip under the deck boards and start a fire, well I could chop one of those up and throw down around the pylon to protect the vinyl flooring. It seems like an easy solution, plus it mounts the BBQ at a nice height. Any thoughts?

Okay, reviving this thread a little, haven't made the bracket I have in my mind for mounting the BBQ, but did come up with another thought. What about using the ski pylon? Let me explain. So the pylon is roughly 3 inches thick, so I thought about taking 3 inch stainless tubing, my machine shop said they could easily 'stretch' it for me, have about a 4-6 inch length that would just slide right over top of the pylon, with a plate welded on top of it that has mounting holes to match up with the BBQ of one's choice. I also thought of that matting that people use on their decks for under the household bbq's to make sure grease or something doesn't drip under the deck boards and start a fire, well I could chop one of those up and throw down around the pylon to protect the vinyl flooring. It seems like an easy solution, plus it mounts the BBQ at a nice height. Any thoughts?

Nice idea Derrick. Again, creative and outside the box. Gerry
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Here is a picture of my brother in law cooking on mine. It is mounted on the swim platform and the rod screws in with a button on the bottom to lock it so it won't spin once it is screwed past a certain point. This is easy on / easy off. The ski idea is a good one but would block access to the swim platform for me on my boat. I wanted it off to the side so people could enter the boat while I was cooking.

Here is a picture of my brother in law cooking on mine. It is mounted on the swim platform and the rod screws in with a button on the bottom to lock it so it won't spin once it is screwed past a certain point. This is easy on / easy off. The ski idea is a good one but would block access to the swim platform for me on my boat. I wanted it off to the side so people could enter the boat while I was cooking.
Hmmm, you bring up a valid point. My overall objective was to also not have to screw down another mount position. The separate pedestal mount was brought up before, but maybe that is the best way to go, or just tell to climb over the rail like a real man! Haha I'll keep thinking.

Bulldog, have your shop add an arm onto the adapter plate. That will get it back some hopfully still in easy reach. My idea but you have to figure it out!
Bulldog, have your shop add an arm onto the adapter plate. That will get it back some hopfully still in easy reach. My idea but you have to figure it out!
Hmmmm, now ya got me thinking! That's why I love this site and all the people on it! In manly good buddy sort of way! Haha


Edit I think I would make it go out to the port side, that way you could still get by on starboard side, since that is where the ladder is, even though I'm sure EVERYONE has heard about the no swimming for how ever long after eating rule! :)

Edit again, although I just realized its on a round tube so essentially it could 'swing' around to the back as well!
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