Rear seat lounger remote stereo


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I wonder if this option is retrofitable to a 2011 model? Seems like if I could ahold of a remote pad from Sony, I could wire it up.

Does anyone know if the stereo head from 2011 to 2012 is the same?


Im pretty sure you could get a sony remote and add it to your current sony system. They are pretty good when it comes to remotes as far as making them compatable year to year. The 2012 head unit looks the same as the 2011
I will check with my buddy. He found a place here local in Olathe that specializes in stereo remotes. He was showing his off last summer. It is waterproof and on a floaty, so he can change songs, adjust the volume, etc all without even getting out of the water. I will see if I can get the name and post it on here. My boat is supposed to arrive today, so I will soon be looking into this for myself once I know exactly what unit and model I have.
I will check with my buddy. He found a place here local in Olathe that specializes in stereo remotes. He was showing his off last summer. It is waterproof and on a floaty, so he can change songs, adjust the volume, etc all without even getting out of the water. I will see if I can get the name and post it on here. My boat is supposed to arrive today, so I will soon be looking into this for myself once I know exactly what unit and model I have.
Thanks, KC_Steve I would be interested as well.
Thanks, KC_Steve I would be interested as well.
I did find this one on Crutchfield.

They are $99, although currently out of stock. But I would say they would be retrofitable. Could mount anywhere you want.

My buddies head unit is an Alpine. Here is a link to his remote.

I think Sony needs to keep up! That would be very nice to have.

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I am thinking I would like to mount one on the rear wall towards the bottom of the gate. That way I could just reach up and make changes without getting all the way into the boat. That would be an option I would like.