Remove Sharkhide


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Green Lake Wisconsin
Hi Guys ! So I understand that I will have to use Lacquer Thinner to remove a coating or two of Sharkhide. Easy to accomplish or a pain in the @$$? Has any one tried ?
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Yes lacquer thinner. Why are you taking it off?
I gotta guy who is going to polish them to a nice shine and then reapply Sharkhide. Did you remove yours? Come off easy?
Sorry, I've never had it. It's a 10 year old boat.
Yes I have removed mine w/lacquer thinner I put in a spray bottle. I just sprayed it on a section and wiped it w/another rag sprayed w/the thinner. It turns into a kind of like a gel and you just wipe it off until it all comes off. Just have a lot of clean rags/towels to do the job.......
Quick and simple or an all day thing. How much thinner? I have 24' of toons
It's kind of weird.........Some sections came off relatively easy and some sections were pretty stubborn. Took me a day and used about 5 quarts.....
Good info Daril.  Thanks!  I always wondered about that when it comes time to refinish mine.
Great info as I'm thinking I'm due for a polish and another coat. (3 years old) everything still looks good but I have a few area showing wear and tear.
Probably goes without saying, but only do this in a well ventilated area.
And over a long holiday weekend if you're going to repolish. It takes a while. 
While you guys are messing with sharkhide I'll be out on the water enjoying my water stained but clean toons!
While you guys are messing with sharkhide I'll be out on the water enjoying my water stained but clean toons!

Unless I move south I'll have plenty of time to polish over the winter! Besides a little polishing along with some adult beverages can't be that bad!!
To be honest with you guys I'm kind of disappointed with the performance of Sharkhide. I've had my boat for 9 seasons now and I have applied it twice. 2010 and just last spring 2015. The reason that it lasted relatively long the first application is because we used to trailer. When we took the boat out of the water we towel dried them so the toons were never dirty. But now the boat stays in the water the whole season. I made sure that I applied 3 coats so I wouldn't miss covering anywhere especially on the waterline. Well the waterline and below looks like crap and discolored as if I didn't apply any there. Pics to follow.
/monthly_2016_08/large.image.jpeg.3f6e3f5248f490058cd8ea579542ec0c.jpeg/monthly_2016_08/large.image.jpeg.3377392ec25f092995c28a65cbe97f2e.jpeg3 coats of Sharkhide applied and it's still discolored below the water line......
I am in my second season with the sharkhide I applied.  People see my toons and comment that I must have polished them this season.  I did not.  I keep mine on a lift.  You can tell the pontoons on the lake that have sharkhide and those that don't.
Big difference keeping them out of the water on a lift!
Big difference keeping them out of the water on a lift!

I agree, accept last year they were in the water and they still stayed clean.  We have very clean lake water here though, maybe that is the difference.
Dang, we'd call those spotless on our lake. I wish mine looked that good. I wish we had Sharkhide every couple weeks, when I have to scrub them down.