Replacing Kicker head unit with Rockford Fosgate PMX-2


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I took out my OEM Kicker KMC10 head unit and am installing a Rockford Fosgate PMX-2 as recommended by several on the forum. Had to quit yesterday because of a rain shower, but I do have one issue to overcome: The wire from the Kicker head unit to the Kicker remote controls beside the swingback has a 5 pin DIN connector. The connector on the remote control wire coming out the new PMX-2 is a 13 pin DIN. A very brief Google search did not result in an adapter. Anyone know how to overcome this? Even if I do find an adapter, will the Kicker remote controls next to the swingback work with the new PMX-2 head unit?
I finished my install a week ago or so and want to provide some guidance if anyone wants to do what I did. My install was on a 2017 23RSB with the OEM Kicker KMC100.

The old head unit came out easily. Start on the outside and carefully pry up the bezel. There are 4 screws holding the head unit to the console. Remove them.


Go underneath the console and take the time to label the wires that you are not removing. The wires coming out of the head unit are clearly labeled from Kicker's factory, bit the ones they connect to are not labeled. Then unplug them all and the KMC100 head unit can be removed.

The next issue is the PMX-2 is a totally different shape than the KMC100.

So I fabricated this filler piece from a scrap of closed cell PVC trim.

But the PMX-2 still didn't sit flush so I had to create a recess in the filler piece.

Final result. I considered painting the filler black, but worry about the paint wearing or chipping in the future. I'm going to leave it unpainted for now.

Connecting the new PMX wiring to the original wires on the boat was very straightforward. I did have to connect keyed power (red), power to the sub (blue) and ground (black) from the new PMX terminal block connector to the boat's wiring, but everything else was plug and play. (You don't need to connect all the individual speaker power and grounds. These are all taken care of at the sub.).

As noted in the post above, the new PMX-2 will not connect to the KMC remote controls on the side of the swingback. It's not a question of finding an adapter. The PMX-2 will not talk to the KMC remote. There is a PMX remote available but it looks nothing like the KMC remote. They are so different there is not a way to put a PMX remote where the KMC one is now. I'll just live without a functioning KMC remote.
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