Spray Sunscreen - remove from boat exterior


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Any recommendations on how to remove sunscreen over spray from the exterior paneling of our pontoon?  We let the kids spray themselves and now have white spray marks on the paneling.  Soap and water will not remove it.  Any tips?  New rule on our boat - no spray sunscreen!!

Thank you!
I had this issue last year. The windshield was the toughest to clean. I ended up using nail polish remover. In the end, no more spray sunscreen on the boat. 
Our biggest issue with the spray sunscreens (or lotion sunscreen for that matter) is the ingredients in it that turns things orange (avobenzone).  The wife has several swinsuits that used to be white & black and are now an orange tint and black.  We have a spot on the co-captain seat headrest that is tinted a real light orange.  Have tried the 303 cleaner and then some soap and warm water and even the awesome cleaner and it's still there.  The stain isn't pronounced but if you are looking for it you can see it faintly.  Maybe some more time out in the sun it will fade a little more.

From the coppertone sport label:


Removing orange sunscreen stains

The avobenzone might not be the full culprit but sunscreens with lower % it doesn't stain as bad.
I have two orange stain marks on the vinyl on my boat.  Bought it used, couldn't figure out why in the heck I had two orange stains that won't come out.  Thanks for solving this mystery for me!