Squirrels invading pontoon - HELP!


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Hi. We have a Bennington Tri toon. We store this in a storage field across from the lake throughout the summer. We have found tons of walnuts in the big storage compartment in the back along with walnuts stored along the rails and nests. Last year they chewed through battery wiring. Can anyone advise how to keep these out before they cause more damage ? The boat sits 1-2 weeks between use and they gather each time it seems. Someone suggested an ultrasonic device - we do not have any kind of electricity there. Any advice appreciated !!!!!


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If you have it covered, and they still get in, im moving the storage location to somewhere else. Short of trying some predator urine on your boat (who wants that?!) most deterrence devices/tricks are pretty ineffective.

I personally would move it for this summer and try again next summer and hope they found a better option
Holy crap! That's alot of walnuts! The only thing we have used over the years to deter critters that may work is moth balls and dryer sheets. Try putting them in areas that you think they are gaining entry and in those areas that you are finding all of those walnuts! We used to put them in foil pie plates all over the boat but it seems like you need to use them when you're not using the boat so I would put them in freezer bags in those same areas and just leave the bags open. It's worth a shot!
If they are that invasive in such short periods of time, I think the only realistic solution is moving where it is stored. I don’t know if anything else will really do the trick. I hope Daril’s idea, or other ideas do it for you, but I’d also be trying to figure out other storage options - I know that’s easy for me and other to say as compared to actually coming up with another storage option.
What about a rubber snake to scare them? Or an air rifle. I look at it this way, if an animal is trying to do something in an unnatural environment, they are lazy and need to be taught a lesson. Always amazes me with barn swallows and my lift up in Michigan. Hated those damn birds. Good luck with the squirrels
You might try setting up one of the owl decoys that has motion sensor. Just move it around your storage area from time to time

You could also try some of the larger rat traps

I never had much luck with the ultrasonic devices.
As someone who has had a bad rabbit problem at the house here, I can tell you that none of the things on the market work with these varmints.

3)Coyota urine-Fail
4)Chili powder-Fail
5)Liquid Fence-Fail

It all comes down to how deep of a rabbit hole (pun intended) of money and time someone wants to exhaust before you realize that squirrels, rabbits, rodents, etc...are adaptable and very hard to get rid of.
I just ordered a Coyote ,to " try " to stop the deer from eating our new landscaping . If the Coyote fails .I'll be having a venison BBQ .


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As someone who has had a bad rabbit problem at the house here, I can tell you that none of the things on the market work with these varmints.

3)Coyota urine-Fail
4)Chili powder-Fail
5)Liquid Fence-Fail

It all comes down to how deep of a rabbit hole (pun intended) of money and time someone wants to exhaust before you realize that squirrels, rabbits, rodents, etc...are adaptable and very hard to get rid of.

I agree - While I have had some mixed results with the owl, my best squirrel deterrents have been traps or my ultra quiet CZ455
Well…You can always go the Tony Montana/Scareface route:


Bye, bye squirrels…and well anything else immediately in front of you.
They can be persistent and destructive little varmints. Is your boat parked under or near trees? Do you cover your boat with a fitted mooring cover? Are other boats there having a similar issue? I'm trying to picture a squirrel carrying a walnut up from the ground, and getting under your cover with it.
They can be persistent and destructive little varmints. Is your boat parked under or near trees? Do you cover your boat with a fitted mooring cover? Are other boats there having a similar issue? I'm trying to picture a squirrel carrying a walnut up from the ground, and getting under your cover with it.
Haha. Great point. The solution might be as simple as “put a fitted cover on”
Suggested additions to Mozekian's list:

6) Radio - Fail
7) Moth Balls - Fail
8) Spinning mobile - Fail
9) Traps - Fail
10) Gamo Whisper Fusion Mach I - Success
I just ordered a Coyote ,to " try " to stop the deer from eating our new landscaping . If the Coyote fails .I'll be having a venison BBQ .
I used to put them in my garden spots (among other things), and, over time, they get used to them. I have seen them in the garden, along with them, time and time again. Eventually, I fenced the garden spots in. That's the only thing that stopped them. You can get a permit to shoot them here in NC if they are a garden nuisance, but for every one you kill, two more show up. Even radios didn't work long. Deer are very smart.
Another vote for moth balls. I've had a squirrel issue in my bass boat with the Benny sitting in the next stall and not touched. The difference was that I had moth balls in the Benny. Now I have them in both.