Sticking seats


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Cincinnati, Ohio
All of our seats stick so bad when we try to access the strange that the seats are starting to come apart. 

We cleaned them with 303 Cleaner, then we protected them with 303 protectant hoping that this would stop it and it didn't. 

We recoated the seats with the 303 protectant and they still stick. 

The seams are starting to come apart because of this!

Do you have any ideas?

If the seams are coming apart, call your dealer. This shouldn't happen.
I have already contacted the dealer and Bennington is taking care of it.

But that doesn't answer my question.

What do you do to keep the seats from sticking.

I can't open the seats!!!
Are they the type with the hinge screwed to the bottom? There should be some adjustment to move the seat out a little. I know mine have some adjustment to them. 
Not sure what is making them stick as my boat is a 2012 and no issue with that at all.  Possible someone spilled a sticky drink on the seats and it ran down and then got baked under the mooring cover?
See how this hinge has adjustment in it. That allows inward/outward adjustment

Lube those babies up with some 303!!!
The only time any of our seats have gotten a little bit lit yours is if we have been out on a sunset cruise that turned into a midnight run. The evening dew and dead bugs that collect can make a sort of glue but it cleans right up with a shot of 303 cleaner and then a treatment of the 303 protectent following that.  Does your GSR seat bottoms have the lift and pull hinges on them?  As in you lift the front edge up (edge facing you) then it pulls out towards you before you can actually tip the seat bottom up to open it.  Like mentioned before maybe a little adjustment on the hinges are in order.  The latch (black bracket under the seat cushion) on the back of the seat bottom might be catching on the seat base and making it difficult to flip up.  Our old boat had the straight flip up seats with a pull loop on the back to flip them up.  Worked great (sometimes to well) and would dump you out on the floor when the seat bottom tipped forward if you got to close to the front edge of the seat.  We've never had a major problem with the seats sticking in 3 years of use.....just the evening dew and bugs is all.
We use and use the 303 to no avail. 

If we don't use the 303 EVERYDAY we can't open them. 

It is not in the adjustment!

the seat are sticking together so bad that you MUST run your hand all the way around them (because they stick like glue to each other) just to open them up EVERYTIME WE GO OUT!
Are you using the 303 protectant and not the 303 fabric guard?  The bottles both have a boat on them if you take a quick look at the links below.  Someone posted here once that the fabric guard stuff kind of melts the seat vinyl and could result in what you are saying is happening with your sticking seats. 

303 Protectant

303 Fabric Gaurd
^^^^^^ ---- Verify what Indian_Lake_Bum says ........Yup, fabric guard will definitely damage vinyl .... don't ask me how I know... :angry:

Luckily it's not as noticeable as when it first happened.
I will double check to make sure it's the protectant next time out!

I will let all know!


I looked at what we were using and it is NOT the Aerospace Protectant.

It was another protectant spray that 303 has.

I will get the Aerospace Protectant from 303 and will let everyone know that outcome

Thanks to everyone that responded!
The 303 that we've been using for the last 3 seasons I bought from pontoon stuff.  It doesn't have the boat on the front of the bottle but it is the aerospace protectant.

303 cleaner & protectant kit

By chance did you get the black bottle of 303 protectant?

303 Protectant (black bottle)
I just bought a brand new boat this June. My seats stick badly also!! I have to run my hand in between the vinyl first before I can separate the seat. I will love to hear how the product you purchase works!

I haven't heard of seats sticking till this year.  Is bennington using a different supplier for their seats or vinyl material or is it just a freak thing?  Our seats are going on 3 years old and look as if they were new yesterday.  We do use the 303 cleaner for touch up cleanings and the 303 protectant a few times a season.  Probably once a month on the protectant and the cleaner whenever needed.  If we have guests on board I normally wipe the seats down with a spritz of the cleaner and follow with protectant.  The sunscreen that is available now is terrible on the seats....swimsuits can be damaged too (thanks coppertone).