Summer Memories ,please post your pic's

Jack M

Reaction score
Indian River ,Michigan
I'm in.  God how I miss it, how can doing nothing be so much fun?


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Hopefully 2014 goes a little smoother for you Jared!!
LoL. Honestly, it was an awesome summer. That trip was a blast! (All the mishaps aside.)
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As you can see I'm still having problems posting links and pics......I'll try again later.
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Here are some of the memories we made this summer..........From having some cousins from Hawaii visit Virginia for the "1st" time and taking them on "Big Kahuna"......... Crashing on Big Mable............Taking my nephew and Mom to their "1st" Washington Nationals game....... "1st" time visiting Naples, Fla (view from our room)............ We've done Zip lining but this is my "1st" ropes course (worked my butt off!)..........
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This is a Bald Eagle I photographed at Kerr Lake in North Carolina.  Notice that the eagle still has the fish he just caught between his talons and the branch.  This is the first and only time I have ever seen a fish in a tree!  LOL   :D  (Please enlarge the photograph to see the fish better.)   If you would like to see more Bald Eagles that I have photographed at Kerr Lake, please let me know.  I have lots of them.
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Still having difficulty uploading pictures.

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     We have a lot of bald eagles here on Fontana also. I hear a lot more of them than I see too.  Well over 3/4 of the shoreline is Federal, either National Forest or Great Smoky Mountain National Park lands, so there is a lot of wilderness and uninhabited areas. Beautiful birds, and very efficient at catching fish.
Do you have any pics?  Monica & I have a pair of SeaDoos and we go onto Kerr Lake and take pictures of the Eagles.  They fly from one cove to another and we follow them slowly on our SeaDoos and watch them land on another tree and then we slowly move closer and take more pictures, and so on.  We are planning to sell our SeaDoos this spring and recoup a small amount of the money we're going to be paying for our pontoon boat, which by the way, we have to hand over a certified check to the dealer for...TOMORROW!  Anyway, do you have any pictures of your eagles?
I had 6 good photos on a laptop, but I lost the hard drive earlier in the year. I was leaving the house with it and laid it on my porch railing and walked inside for less than a minute to pick up something else and when I came out it was gone. No, not stolen, a gust of wind caught the bottom side and over it went---12 ft to the ground. Needless to say, not going to get anything off of that one. Its hard to get a good shot from a boat, and they don't seem to like being around people so a good closeup is tough..
I guess it's easier to get eagle pictures from SeaDoos than it is to get eagle pictures from pontoon boats.
I remember in my younger years in Thompson, we would go fishing on Paint Lake and there was an eagle's nest along one bank, we used to be fishing and when we caught something like a Jack fish or other undesirable eating one we would keep it and boat over and throw it on the bank for the eagle. We lucked out quite a few times and it would be around and fly down and take it away. Great memory. 
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Wow, that's a great memory.  I wish I had seen that.  I'm jealous.
Since we're running with the eagle motif at the moment,  I remember when I we were driving up to Thompson one time and we're on the highway and I look ahead and I can see these 2 big things standing on the road, well as we got closer, there were two Bald Eagles standing there over some road kill with a bunch of ravens a little ways back of them. As we got closer they didn't even move!! I had seen them from a ways away before, even in a "cage" at the zoo, but never that close. I had no idea how BIG they are!! Truly an amazing sight. 

Well, no pontoon yet, still waiting for it to be built. My shots were taken from my bass boat, and I'm sure I missed a lot because when I'm in the bass boat I'm fishing, not looking at the scenery all the time. I know of several that I missed, heard them behind me.
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