Taking delivery of 2021 22SSBX in a few weeks!!!


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Was just notified from by Bennington dealer that my baby girl will be born on January 15th or sometime around there. The dealer said it will be 7 -10 days afterwards for the boat to show up at the dealership. I had to call him back to confirm that I heard that correctly and that he didn't mean to say 7 -10 weeks. It's 7-10 days! Here's what she will look like...
22' SSBX (two toons) Ocean blue with metallic silver trim
115 hp Yamaha with hydraulic assist
Bow filler cushion
Pull up bow and aft cleats
Upgraded rub rail
shark hide
Ultra legs
Bunk trailer
Sealed lifting strakes
Docking lights

I'll post baby pictures soon.
Congratulations!!! Welcome to the Bennington family! Happy pontooning!
Congratulations on the exciting news. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of it once you can check it out. Sounds like it is way ahead of schedule based on your surprise by the news. That’s a great surprise.
Congrats DiamondDave952! Do you have a name picked out for your new baby girl or are you just going to call her "boat" or "pontoon" or something like that?
Congrats DiamondDave952! Do you have a name picked out for your new baby girl or are you just going to call her "boat" or "pontoon" or something like that?
Thanks. Maybe just "baby girl"? Hopefully she is not the type of girl that will require high maintenance...
Curious, does your 2021 22ssbx come with the cup holders standard?
There are cup holders that were built-in the boat. I purchased two extra cup holders that I can move around and relocate to different seating areas.