Transducer placement

Mine is off to the side and interfered with the bunk. Since my boards are a little long on the sides I shortened that one and rewrapped the carpet. No issues now.
I added an extra transducer that I mounted on the left pontoon about 6 inches from the bottom of the toon. i had no problems and it worked fine.
According to Lowrance you should not install your transducer within 1.3 meters of the left side (down stroke side) of the centerline. I just measured my boat and if you install your transducer to the extreme left side of the provided mount you'd be fine. I know this is for Lowrance but I'd be willing to bet this would apply to other manufacturers as well.
Is that rule applicable on tri-toons? The reason I ask is the center toon is already longer than the rear, plus the distance from the transom to the prop. Seems either outer toon bracket would not be impacted by the prop.
I installed a Humminbird Helix 7. I immediately bought the ChartSelect map of Bull Shoals Lake from them for $30, which has tons of features and bathymetry data down to 1' intervals on the contour lines. I mounted the transducer on the port tube, which had a rectangular "box" welded to the rear bottom of the toon (it came that way). The system works pretty flawlessly, once you get the sensitivity settings dialed in, but then my top speed is only 30. The Yamaha has a RH screw, so it follows that you mount the puck on the left-side toon, and Bennington made that easy for me.

where did you get the bracket to mount the head unit
I think the mounts come with the units. Our Garmin came with a bracket but I flush mounted it in the dash.
where did you get the bracket to mount the head unit

I think somewhere in the previous string of posts to this thread he mentioned having one fabricated by a local business per his specs/design.