Used Bennington's Selling

Spring is the best time for PADS.  Or worst depending how you look at it.
Yep.  I didn't sleep well last night and was browsing the forums...I think I'm going to visit my dealer today and take a look at a few consoles. My wife gave me a hard deadline to buy the boat.  I tried to get one extra day and it was, buy today or no new boat for us.  ...I bought the boat.   :lol:

The console on my boat isn't laid out as nice as on the 2017.  I might see if I can order a new console so I can have a new look and better placement for my GPS.

Stupid forums... :D
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This is a dangerous thread.  It makes it too easy to think: hmm, I wonder what a big horse power ESP G, R, or Q would run me if I flipped around my newly ordered s-series Benny...AND I haven't even taken possession of my new S-series yet.   :blink:

Stop making me think these thoughts.  It would not be healthy for my marriage.  lol.  :lol:
