Well-Known Member
After trying virtually everything to remove the black mildew spots on the top areas of my seats and especially the top of the stern area on my RLi model, I finally tried some bleach water. Guess what? It fricken worked. Guess what else? It didn't stain a damn thing.
I was extremely reluctant to try it but nothing else worked...not even that Totally Awesome cleaner...not even when I used it straight. So I read some blogs on using bleach. Some people claimed it would not only stain the vinyl seating, it would also weaken the threads. Then I read someone who said they had been in the upolstry business for over 20 years. He said you can absolutely use bleach but to mix 1 cup in a gallon of water. Then to apply it but not to leave it on forever. He said that was the key. So I did about 7 different applications of this solution....rubbing it in with an old hand towel. After 5 minutes of soaking in (and baking in the sun) I then used a different towel and soaked it in clean water and then went over the same areas....effectively diluting the bleached area. I wish I would have taken before and after photos because it really was quite remarkable.
I actually did this yesterday and waited until today to post this cuz I wanted to make sure there were no stains 24 hours later. Not a one.
Trust me....I was very anxious about pulling the trigger on this but the mildew was so bad. I figured the worst case scenario was that I stain the hell out of everything and then I'd just pull a Derek, get P.A.D.S. and buy an entire new boat.
I was extremely reluctant to try it but nothing else worked...not even that Totally Awesome cleaner...not even when I used it straight. So I read some blogs on using bleach. Some people claimed it would not only stain the vinyl seating, it would also weaken the threads. Then I read someone who said they had been in the upolstry business for over 20 years. He said you can absolutely use bleach but to mix 1 cup in a gallon of water. Then to apply it but not to leave it on forever. He said that was the key. So I did about 7 different applications of this solution....rubbing it in with an old hand towel. After 5 minutes of soaking in (and baking in the sun) I then used a different towel and soaked it in clean water and then went over the same areas....effectively diluting the bleached area. I wish I would have taken before and after photos because it really was quite remarkable.
I actually did this yesterday and waited until today to post this cuz I wanted to make sure there were no stains 24 hours later. Not a one.
Trust me....I was very anxious about pulling the trigger on this but the mildew was so bad. I figured the worst case scenario was that I stain the hell out of everything and then I'd just pull a Derek, get P.A.D.S. and buy an entire new boat.