Vacation Observations


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Michigander living In Palm City FL
So I just got back from a trip to south Florida and the keys and thought I would share some of the highlights.

For starters the fishing is completely different in salt water!! In the video is of one of the deck hands clearing a line and catching a Mahi. And then take a look at what a fellow angler caught. Pretty cool experience. This is a photo of some northern idiot with his catch!


*****Don't watch if you do not want to see a fish get harvested*********

My next observation was the mix of Yamaha vs. Mercury motors on the back of boats. I would easily say that Yamaha has about 97% of the market share down there. I saw a really nice center council in the key for sale with two 7 Marine 557 motors hanging off the back. Wow!!

I also saw a yacht with a tritoon hanging off the back like a dinghy. Talk about some money down there. I couldn't get a photo as I was in a pool. It was a southbay as well so probably a lot lighter to strap on the back!!

The weather was great but the amount of traffic and people who didn't speak english was appalling. Not my ideal location to live based on that. And we happened to stumble upon Fantasy Fest in Key West. Google it but be warned, I could not post those photos here. I guess lesson learned on checking the local calendar on where you are going.

All in all it was a great trip with the wife and now back to getting ready for the holidays and winter.
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Nice fish! Congrats! And we LOVE going to the Keys!!!!!!!!!
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Nice catch lakeliving.  I have never been t the Keys but one of my best friends loves the Keys and goes every year.  He says the same about the traffic and for that reason he could not live there.  Glad you had a good time
Is that a wahoo? (much sought after!) DH says "congrats"! (he goes every year too, off Marathon, brother a snow bird, down there Jan-March B)  )
It is a wahoo. I'm bummed as I didn't have a way to transport/cook the fish so the rest of the anglers split it up at the dock. (They lived local) I'm going to go out next time I'm down there. We stayed at Hawks Cay but ate down in Marathon. I want to say Burdines? It was right on the water and had a great fish sandwich. Crazy how fast your blood thins out down there. Now 50's feel crazy cold!
Very cool Andy ......I see you caught the Baitfish we use on our trips .......  :D
It is a wahoo. I'm bummed as I didn't have a way to transport/cook the fish so the rest of the anglers split it up at the dock. (They lived local) I'm going to go out next time I'm down there. We stayed at Hawks Cay but ate down in Marathon. I want to say Burdines? It was right on the water and had a great fish sandwich. Crazy how fast your blood thins out down there. Now 50's feel crazy cold!
Supposedly wahoos are really good eatin'! I looked up Burdines "Chiki Tiki Bar & Grill", we never ate there but now we will! Too bad you didn't bring the wahoo, the website says "we will cook your fresh, cleaned catch for you, any way you like it"! DH is going mid January for 10 days & will probably stop in. Reviews are great! Porkie's on the far end of town by the bridge has delicious BBQ pulled pork sandwiches and tiki bar entertainment nightly in case you get back down. (now I wish I were going :p  ) Hawk's Cay...nice!
Actually our stay at Hawks cay was less than stellar. Let's just say a big issue shortened our stay there! Grounds were beautiful though! We took kayaks out in the keys and was amazed at the power of the currents.