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Hello, Looking at purchasing 2024 22SXSB. Dealer suggested Vantage toon protection and fabric / side panels protection for ~$3k. I understand the toon protection but not familiar with protection sprayed on panels and interior. Salesperson thought panel protection would help with hard water spots in smooth matte black exterior. Does anybody have any thoughts regarding if it is worth it for the panel and interior protection or if I could do something myself?
Bennington no longer use's shark hide , I believe the new toon protection is Metal Jacket . I understand that if the 2024 is already built it may not be available. But you can ask about it .
Thanks. It is already built and discounted to move. Dealer claims it is at his cost and it is a 2024.
My dealer does apply the Metal Jacket .but the shark hide has to be removed before the metal jacket can be applied . Metal jacket does not wear off in the water.
I do my own Sharkhide very easy to do. Youtube Sharkhide. Water spots clean of with Vinegar and Water mixture. Alot cheaper than 3K
All that pontoon protection is great in most waters. Here on the East coast and bays…NONE holds up very well. For 10 years no one has proven me wrong. Sorry, that’s only my view and I’m sticking with it.
All that pontoon protection is great in most waters. Here on the East coast and bays…NONE holds up very well. For 10 years no one has proven me wrong. Sorry, that’s only my view and I’m sticking with it.
Is that salt water?