Vent Caps


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Hello all. We have a 2008 2575RL. Our factory mooring/travel cover has a 4 pole support system but it’s the ones with the small reinforced hole and the pole end sticking up through the cover. I’d like to install the large vent caps to get better air movement but wondered if anyone has done that on those covers? If so, I’d like to know if those existing poles (with the pencil like end) just jams up into those new vent caps to support the cover or will I need for new poles as well.
Let me know and any thought or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I believe they are pretty much generic ,amazon even has them with solar fans .
Thanks Jack. I saw the Amazon caps and they looked pretty easy to install. I just wasn’t sure if those skinny little poles would have any kind of support up in the cap top or if jamming something in there would impact the ventilation. Pretty reasonably priced so maybe worth a try
They are easy to install , kind of works like a big wing nut . While you're at it are the end caps on your poles ok ?
I don’t have end caps on these poles. Basically the poles are about an inch in diameter and adjustable up/down. The top 3” tapers thinner to pop through the hole and the cover is supported by the steel grommet resting on the wider pole diameter below. Those are in good shape but I’d certainly be open to new poles with caps that work with the new vent caps.
Yep , those are different than what I was referring to . Amazon, may have something or try
I agree and will need to find poles specific for the upgraded vents. I found a couple of images on Google. One is of the poles we have and the second is of what I’d like to upgrade my cover with.


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That’s the direction I’m definitely heading . I’m guessing my current poles (the other photo) won’t work. Poles are pretty reasonably priced and it looks like they offer the whole package at some suppliers.
That’s the direction I’m definitely heading . I’m guessing my current poles (the other photo) won’t work. Poles are pretty reasonably priced and it looks like they offer the whole package at some suppliers.
Yup…you’ll need the adjustable poles with the rubber ends that Pbakk mentioned and Jack is referring to.
DDL, something to think about in the future..... When that cover wears out and you need to replace it look into replacing it with Sunbrella material fabric. This premium fabric is so breathable they don't even install vents in them because it doesn't need them. Had Sunbrella for years on our previous boat!
Thanks Kahuna. I’m wondering if this is what I have - hence no vents. We bought our Bennington used last year and it came with a new cover from the Bennington dealer. I don’t have the cover nearby so I can’t check the brand label. Unfortunately the cover didn’t come with snaps, so I’m taking to a local upholstery shop to have the snaps installed. I spoke to the shop a couple days ago and asked about adding the vents when they do the snaps. They said it would be no problem and easy to do. If it is a Sunbrella cover, would I or should I add vents? The main reason for the vent route is when I look around our marina during boating season, our pontoon (along with a similar year Bennington nearby) are they only ones with no big vent caps and just the pole end sticking through the cover. I thought I’m missing out on something and should have them. Thoughts?
On a previous Bennington I had a custom made Sunbrella cover . It had 5 vents on a 23 ft . The vents will also help with air circulation which will help to control mold .
The vents cant sure can't hurt.
Thanks Kahuna. I’m wondering if this is what I have - hence no vents. We bought our Bennington used last year and it came with a new cover from the Bennington dealer. I don’t have the cover nearby so I can’t check the brand label. Unfortunately the cover didn’t come with snaps, so I’m taking to a local upholstery shop to have the snaps installed. I spoke to the shop a couple days ago and asked about adding the vents when they do the snaps. They said it would be no problem and easy to do. If it is a Sunbrella cover, would I or should I add vents? The main reason for the vent route is when I look around our marina during boating season, our pontoon (along with a similar year Bennington nearby) are they only ones with no big vent caps and just the pole end sticking through the cover. I thought I’m missing out on something and should have them. Thoughts?
Ask the upholstery shop what kind of material your cover is. Like Jack said vents can only help with air circulation but mine didn't have any....IMG_20190903_121452951.jpg
Yes, that’s exactly what my cover looks like and the same colour. I’ll definitely ask the upholstery shop what material it is if I can’t find any manufacturer tags.