Water in storage under seat


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Hello, I have 2019 22 GSR and I use the factory cover and Sea Legs (Ultra Legs). No lift. When it rains, I get water in storage area under the seats resulting in the life jackets getting wet. I am worried about mold. Is this normal? I don't understand how the water is getting in through the cover and then why it leaks into storage area.

Thanks for any feedback.
Just a guess! The water has to be coming in from the top of the seats. How much water ? All seats? Are the Bennington covers (or any) water proof ? As you know you will get more responses.
Water is coming in someplace from cover, down the seat into the compartment.

Enough water to soak life jackets and pool at the bottom.

Enough water that it would take multiple towels to clean-up, not including what is being absorbed by life jackets. We have to take the life jackets out after each use, otherwise risk mold. It is primarily Port and Starboard bow compartments, but occasionally also in Stern. I have also had water pool in the dash glove box (dealer instructed me to drill a hold to let it out).

Seems that the stock Bennington cover is more a dust cover than water proof. I have never trailered with it on because it is not recommended. Plus, I only trailer twice a year.

Thanks for any feedback.
Yikes! Obviously, something’s not right because in five years of having our boat sit outside the entire season, I’ve never had that problem. I did line the bottom of my storage areas with Dri-Dek just in case.

How long has this been going on? I’d certainly contact your dealer about a possible warranty claim. Good luck!
Sounds like it's coming in from a seam or it's not fitting properly and water is getting in somehow. Did you ever use some sort of waterproofing spray on your cover?!? I've used Starbrite waterproofing spray on my mooring cover and my Bimini tops every other season. The water beads up and runs off like a just waxed car! It's worth a shot to have it done!
Agree with BK. Try waterproofing the cover, I used the 303 waterproofing product and like BK said water runs off like a waxed car. They are bulky, I draped mine over the trailer to do. I let dry and then go back and give the seams a second coating.
Mine has always down the same thing on the starboard side. Not excessive, but I get about 1/2” to 1” in that starboard under seat compartment in the front. We just open it up and let it dry/drain in the sun. However, as a result, that is kept empty when covered, and is simply our “when using the boat” extra storage spot.

However, having in floor storage and the swingback rear storage, we have other options, so that has made it easier for us to work around.
Thanks for all the responses.
The dealer has responded that "the cover is made to protect the pontoon from the sun and dust. It is not a water proof cover. It is made to breath. They do make products you can spray on their to help repel water but not water proof. I would start using a product called 303 water repellent to help." Sounds like that is my best option short of purchasing a custom cover. Hopefully that doesn't trap moisture under the cover.
Yep, if that cover didn't allow movement of air and more importantly water vapor to move in and out there would be a much bigger mold problem especially with wet things being left aboard.

I get water in past the cover when I'm lazy and don't use the stakes to prop the vents up, but that's just user error on my part. Beyond that a sideways rain probably could get into the vent and drip down into the seat. Last possibility I can think of is water is traveling under the fence from the around the seat and somehow wicking back into the storage area since there are a few screws affixing them to the deck.

There have been a few threads about the seats not having the proper drains drilled into them so be sure to do a search for that. Lastly if there is that much water getting in and it becomes a hassle consider getting some sort of camera (trail cam?) to capture footage of what is going during a heavy rain... as BK noted it could be a bad seam or other atypical issue that just needs a little patch or other quick fix. Or just hang out under the cover during the next torrential downpour!
Thanks Potomacbassin. I might try hanging out inside while a water hose is sprayed on top to see if it is something obvious.
My center storage fills with water - the front deck catches the rain and it then runs down the entire boat (free floor cleaning). After a good monsoon, I can accumulate 10 to 20 gallons, which mostly sits under the rear SB and has started to cause some mold on the privacy curtain. I started leaving the battery on when I am gone, as the dealer "rewire" to make the bilge pump always hot apparently did not work as intended. When the Mooring cover is on, I leave the floor hatch open (which also has slots) - nothing in the main compartment has molded.
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Interesting to hear that several of you experience water in your compartments. I’ve never waterproofed my cover but I’d say it’s waterproof based upon my experience. I have been under it during a storm and the only water that came in was under my port side door. When I first got the boat I had water entering through an electrical hole in the bow in rough seas, but a bit of of silicone caulk did the trick. Think I’ll buy a lottery ticket!