What a way to start the season........


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North Carolina
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Sounds like you have quite a police force when they deduced this:

"Speed, alcohol and limited visibility because of darkness were contributing factors to the incident." 
That was over 4 years ago!! What an idiot. He's lucky he hit a sweet water as they seem to have alot of give and built in crumple zones!!!

"But offilicer, i was going sloww and then i swerveded to miss the fishes"
I think what's funnier is the name of the pontoon - The Gavidae

From freedictionary:

prop. n. 1. A natural family of birds including the loons.

Can't make that up

I hope this never happens to Benny 

At least here to be on the water 

Insurance is Mandatory !
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This story has been around the world a couple of times. It's really quite sad how life happens sometimes. I always look at these with a "there but by the grace of God..." mentality. The stupid things I did as a young man...the only difference between me and the kid who did this...I was luckier. I've never won the power ball (mostly because I'm really good at math and therefore never buy a ticket), I can't guess your weight, apparently a baboon can guess mine, those D@MN balloons...why can't I ever hit them with a dart, and my name is glued to the bottom of the hat in every drawing I've ever been in. But by the grace of God, I've never had to deal with something like this personally, nor with either of my sons. I just pray my luck continues. A lucky man I am.

My worst nightmare is to get the knock on the door with someone informing me my son exercised predictably bad judgement one time, and is seriously injured. The parents of the boy who piloted this jet ski into the side of a pontoon lived a hell I can't imagine. 
Well said... Thanks!