What did you name your boat?

Where are the pics of this boat you speak of?
Ours is called "Fruits of Our Labor" double entendre represents - Our last name, and our hard work.

Fruits of Our Labor (943x1024).jpg
We got a custom tag for another one of our toys, our Jeep. The tag reads TONAFUN, so I was thinking the proper name for our boat would be TONAFUN-TOO  or  TONAFUN 2  or  TONAFUN II ..... Opinions? 
Both are good suggestions! I always appreciate a little free help..... (I know, who said it was free :) )
2 or II would make me think it was the second of the same thing. Like your second boat named that. How about TOONAFUN? :)

This one is the winner! Talked it over with the wife and daughter, and we're in agreement. I'll have to get the graphics done to reflect the new name. Now, we have a TONAFUN and a TOONAFUN.....
We searched for months for the right name for our new Bennington. I even had a white board dry erase at work where my Soldiers and even my Commander voted on the names. We had everything from "Anchorman" (from the movie) "99 Problems (but a boat aint one)" "First World Problems" "Epic Win" "Black and Yellow" (from the song; everything I do, I do it big...) as well as "Boats and Hoes" from the movie Step Brother. We settles finaly on the name of our last boat, a 2010 Sea Ray and added a "2" to the end. We went with "Prestige Worldwide 2" again from the movie Stepbrothers!
It could be Benny and the Vet
bcpnick, I just ordered the graphics; one across the back and one each, port and starboard. Thanks again.
I perfer simple beauty and like things decal free. I usually always peal off most decals and stickers but in long stretches of aluminum panelling it helps hide imperfections so I left them on the pontoon. Burns my butt that I have to add ugly numbers and stickers for license. I wouldn't even let the dealer put dealer their stickers on it unless they pay me for the advertising. :rolleyes: Not impressed with the new Shatter paint scheme at all. Like the color but not the scheme.

I always joke with the wife I am going to call it "3 way" but she calls me sick and dirty. I tell her to get her mind out of the gutter because the boat has 3 tubes.

You sound like me as far as a dealer putting their business name on MY boat, car, or anything else they don't pay me for. That was the first thing I told them when I went to take delivery of my boat. There was a company sticker on each side and one on each side of the trailer. I told them when I signed the papers that I'd like for them to throw in an extra prop just for giving them my business, but they declined to go along with that, so they were definitely not getting anything free from me. They pealed the stickers off while I stood there and watched. 
My deckboat I named No Bogeys, referencing that unlike golf, when you are on the water there are no bogeys to be made.

My wife did not want to clutter this boat with a name, so until it is her idea, the boat will not have a name.
bcpnick, I just ordered the graphics; one across the back and one each, port and starboard. Thanks again.
I would like to see a picture of the graphics.  We are not happy how ours turned out and we have considered having it redone.  Would love to see others designs to help us make a decision.  Hoping to see some cool designs, Thanks

I haven't gotten the name back, yet, but it is expected to take two or three days. Here's the link I used, if you'd like to see what I order. I'll surely post some pics of the finished look.

I'm using the 5" "BATMAN FOREVER" font, in the gold color with black outline. When I chose to see how it would look, I shortened the length 20% shorter, which made it 23.24" in length.

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Thanks spoiledrotten, I played with it for a while, problem is I am just not sure what I want
Thanks spoiledrotten, I played with it for a while, problem is I am just not sure what I want
My wife and I sat down with it and decided together. That way, I didn't have to listen to complaints if I chose something she didn't like. Safer that way! :D

On that site, you can also go to the "Do it yourself Custom made signs and lettering", and choose from three pages of fonts.
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