What's your boat actually worth?!?


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North Carolina
With my boat (2275RL) shutting itself down twice recently my wife got really frustrated and started looking at other boats. Of course we would sell ours and use it as a down payment. Turned out it was a 20 amp fuse feeding the fuel pump relay that was cracked but not broken. Fixed and back on the water. Anyway, our boat mechanic said he'd buy it in a second if we wanted to sell and offered us $20000 for the boat and trailer. We paid $23000  for our boat and trailer in 2008. That got us thinking..........How much is our boat actually worth? We checked NADA boats and plugged in all the parameters and it came up with $22238 low retail and $25664 high retail. This amount included the trailer.

We contacted our local county personal property tax office and asked them what was the amount our boat was worth and taxed on? $20000 for the boat and $1330 for the trailer. 

Our insurance company, BoatUS/Geico marine says our boat is worth between $21500 and $23950.

I think we would be able to get our original investment back from 2008 if we decided to sell........
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Sounds like someone has been infected                                   
Don't do it! You'll miss it. If the mechanic wants it. You must have a really cared for boat. Your the type of person that I look for, someone that maintains their stuff. I've had five boats and everyone off them have been used. My Benny was the newest,it was actually a demo for the dealer. And it came with a full warranty,something that was new to me. Remember this,no one will know how old the boat is unless they are into the boats. Mine is 2010 and there's many that ask if it's new? No regrets here about not having a new boat!
You typically don't break even on a boat..........could be a good opportunity for an upgrade!!!!!!
If I could get what I paid for my boat I would at least consider it
The PADS is strong in this thread!
I've been inoculated against PADS! I think my wife needs a booster shot!

But she makes a good point...........Sell it now while it's worth a decent amount of money and plunk it down on another boat.............And this is from the "Saver" in the family.

Yup she needs a booster shot!
I've been inoculated against PADS! I think my wife needs a booster shot!

But she makes a good point...........Sell it now while it's worth a decent amount of money and plunk it down on another boat.............And this is from the "Saver" in the family.

Yup she needs a booster shot!

I think the mechanic is talking to your wife ! Remember,a payment book comes with the new boat ! Just saying. Sorry Bennington.
I think the mechanic is talking to your wife ! Remember,a payment book comes with the new boat ! Just saying. Sorry Bennington.

You're right bob.........2 words we don't like in this house.........Payment book! Currently don't have any. Vehicles or mortgage and we'd like to keep it that way. Unfortunately we know we'll need a vehicle sooner or later but we'll worry about that when the time comes.

Boat payment?!? We'll see..........
Oh I have a feeling on this Big Kahuna
DO IT !!
Daril, we don't speak "Payment Book" at our house either. Once you get used to that, it's hard to change. But... a good deal is a good deal never-the-less. Why don't you start a "Go fund me" drive on this site, and see how many that are telling to "Do It" will contribute? 
Daril, we don't speak "Payment Book" at our house either. Once you get used to that, it's hard to change. But... a good deal is a good deal never-the-less. Why don't you start a "Go fund me" drive on this site, and see how many that are telling to "Do It" will contribute? 

ARE YOU KIDDING? This group only likes to spend everyone else's money !

Isn't that right Semperfi ?
Oh yeah ......  :D
Had a guy offer me what I paid for mine when it was on the second season, would of been a wash for 60 hours of boating! But as it goes the boss chimed in and asked where I'd get the $10K plus for the upgrade?? (R w/300hp) If your wife initiated it and you've got a good deal going don't look back!!! 
Had a guy offer me what I paid for mine when it was on the second season, would of been a wash for 60 hours of boating! But as it goes the boss chimed in and asked where I'd get the $10K plus for the upgrade?? (R w/300hp) If your wife initiated it and you've got a good deal going don't look back!!! 

Oh I have a feeling on this Big Kahuna

The bad (or good) thing is she likes that R23 Swingback. She saw the Benny dealer reps boat w/a 300 on the back. Beautiful but she didn't want the arch because we go under some bridges here. With 13 hrs. on it it was priced right at $80000. C'mon guys........My first house was $69500.......
If you're going to look at it that way...Have you looked up the value of your first house today?
I am hoping to keep my boat for 20 - 25 years (lol) 

Not looking for anything any bigger or faster

Like our homes we try to buy once 

What is key is your happiness 

If it takes a bigger boat have at it :)

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