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NMEA2000 and 2013 Yamaha F90 problem - The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum
Marine Electronics Forum - NMEA2000 and 2013 Yamaha F90 problem - I have a nmea2000 network on my boat using dual Garmin GMI10s for displays. The Yamaha is connected directly to the backbone with the lowrance 120-37 cable. I am getting RPM, trim, volts, tempature, hours, fuel flow and even boost...
It might be possible that the engine does not have an oil pressure sensor. For the temp sensor, I found a forum thread somewhere (so who knows if accurate) that notes the F90 was only a bi-metal switch that would make/break for high temp alarm so that could indicate why no real-time data. The F90 manual (see pic) also seems to infer this when referring to low pressure and high temp alarms only, not levels.
What a bummer, you'd think with a $10K motor they would have this data available. Maybe their customer base over the years just didn't demand it.