Where did you buy your Small Box Anchor?

I think it is ,they are too high ,still waiting on to hear from overtons on the price match .
That was the site but it was also 3 years ago.  At the time, they and Overton's were the only people selling them. 
Yeah I bought mine right from slideanchor 2 years ago.  I got the large one.  It folds nice and flat inside of its bag and I keep it in my center tube floor storage space.
Hey Pittsburg,

You are too funny!! I needed a laugh today, thanks.

Humor is The Best Medicine !


Where is my Boat ?

That's not mine it is red !

Bennington can't do red SL21's just Blue and Black only !!

Or so my Dealer said. 
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What seat are you going to put THAT under???
May have to leave it on the deck and place a throw rug over it 

Hopefully it wont be too noticeable 

Dealer told me to place some flowers on rug maybe some roses to get that red color I love 

Getting off the boat is not the real problem.  Pulling it up could take all summer. 
I was considering a fishing rod to lower and raise the anchor 

On the look for a heavy line for the rod 

Should be easier than doing a rope by hand 

Boating is in my BLOOD

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You're welcome .You will be pleased with the anchor .
Thank you, as well.  I did the price match and used 10% coupon and got free shipping.
I know this is a very old topic, but here is an update on the same process with updated info.  I was able to price match to:


The link given further up this conversation comes up as out of stock, and they wouldn't match it...

However, after the price match from boatstore.com, they said they were unable to process any coupons... I didn't press very hard, I still received free shipping from overtons for the $130.75 at boatstore.com... Overton's current price is $159.99.