Winter has arrived at...

Hi all, New Michigan Grsfb owner, live in Holland and have place on Eight point lake if anyone knows where it is. Glad to find a place to read up on the Bennington.

Welcome and Congrats, BTW!!
Haven't seen snow in a few years, that picture warms my heart
About 2 weeks ago our Lake here in NY started to thaw out around the perimeter, then March came. March so far has brought us a couple of days in the low teens and it has snowed three times. Dumb Groundhog. What does he know?

I do miss that spring thaw and the excitement of an upcoming boating season. But for now I’ll have to live with sunset strolls on the beach with the family in March
Marquette, U.P. in Michigan. Actual picture as some snow has melted and flooded some streets, all the while massive piles of snow remain holding it all in place. Also the same town our son’s college is at. These parents got out a canoe and paddles so their kids could have a little “boating fun”. Us northerners don’t let the elements keep us off the water all the time. :D

That’s awesome!!!
Cool! No pun intended. :p
That is awesome!!! And the next few days will be freezing temps up there, so they’ll be able to skate on the streets for a couple days until the salt trucks come through. We did that “back in the day” around Detroit area. Skating on streets was the best. Gotta have fun with it. Jogging on beach can’t hold a candle to skating on streets.
Looks like it will be a few more days before launch :mad:


We got over 5 ft of snow in February alone . Water will stay high until they open the locks let it out into Lake Huron in August for the boat races
You dealer should have a build date for you .
You are close enough to the factory ,ask your dealer to set up a tour for you .Perhaps you can watch yours being built .
Looks chilly Jack! Hopefully it thaws out soon.
We were making headway ,until today .32 out now but snow just started about an hour ago