Yamaha 115 Hp (4-Stroke) Outboard WOT


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Anyone know what the WOT rpm range should be for a 22' Bennington with a 2021 Yamaha 115 hp, 4-stroke engine with the white color stock prop? Tried doing a search in the upper right corner, but wasn't getting the information I was looking for. Thanks!
Looks like between 5300-6000 is where that motor is supposed to be at WOT per:

Yamaha WOT RPM Chart

It should also state the range somewhere in the owners manual for the motor if you have that and want to confirm the above.

As far as “stock” white prop, it may or may not achieve that.

Also, here’s the direct Yahama link for an overview of your motor. Should be able to link from there for some more specific info if you need it.

115HP I-4 Outboard Motor

Finally, here is a link to type in some info and get your owners manual electronically from Yamaha:

Owners Manual
I would think low 30's. Previously I had a 22 SLX with a 90 .WOT was 29, full tank , 2 adults ,clean toons and a wave shield.
It will depend on your boat setup. My 2018 22GSR with Ultra Legs, pontoon only without lifting strakes, including two batteries, tops out at 23 - 24 MPG at 5800 rpm. Ultra legs and batteries probably adds 450 to 500 lbs. My boat seems to plow through the water versus getting up on top at least with the front. I don’t have a wave shield.
i have a 2017 21SLX with Express toon package and VF115 motor
  • 32mph @6.2k RPM w/ Yamaha stainless (14 x 13) on it.
  • Current Prop: 30mph @6k RPM W/ Turning Point 4 blade (13.5 x 15). It planes out faster and jumps out of the water sooner. w/6 people on board, only 22mph but it still felt good. Motor was happy cruising around at 18mph at 5k RPM all day
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I have a 2021 21S, 2 pontoon tubes, VF115 Yamaha
29 mph @5800, Turning Point 4 blade, 13.5 X 15 with full fuel, 2 people, full gear, bimini down.
28 mph, @5700 with bimini deployed, same 2 person load
24 mph @5400, with 7 people, bimini deployed.
Jumps on plane, excellent docking response with this propeller.
Sweet spot, 4100-4600 rpm, 18 mph heavy load, 24 mph light load
I have a 2021 21S, 2 pontoon tubes, VF115 Yamaha
29 mph @5800, Turning Point 4 blade, 13.5 X 15 with full fuel, 2 people, full gear, bimini down.
28 mph, @5700 with bimini deployed, same 2 person load
24 mph @5400, with 7 people, bimini deployed.
Jumps on plane, excellent docking response with this propeller.
Sweet spot, 4100-4600 rpm, 18 mph heavy load, 24 mph light load

Thanks for posting the various scenarios. Confirms my performance with the Ultra Legs lbs. I might have to try the prop you are using. Is it SS or AL?
The Turning Point propeller 13.5 X 15 4 blade is aluminum, relatively inexpensive $130 +/- and the hub kit. It's a little sensitive to trim since it has just a smidge of cupping on the blade tip but my engine needs to come down one hole anyway.
Looks like between 5300-6000 is where that motor is supposed to be at WOT per:

Yamaha WOT RPM Chart

It should also state the range somewhere in the owners manual for the motor if you have that and want to confirm the above.

As far as “stock” white prop, it may or may not achieve that.

Also, here’s the direct Yahama link for an overview of your motor. Should be able to link from there for some more specific info if you need it.

115HP I-4 Outboard Motor

Finally, here is a link to type in some info and get your owners manual electronically from Yamaha:

Owners Manual
Thank you for your informative reply to the original post question. I did not know the max throttle engine speed range for the 115 Yamaha (5300-6000 rpm). This is embarrassing considering that I have two pontoons with 115 Yamaha power and I should know these things. Just finished installing a tac on the boat up north. What I found was the propeller pitch was way too small. Not only was max engine speed above the recommended range but the max speed was limited by the engine rev limiter. Before I install the tac I would never had known the rev limiter was in play because the rpm cut-off is very soft. It felt like the max engine speed was limited by the drag on the boat. Instead the engine was cutting power slowly as it approached 6400 rpm. I could tell the rev limiter was in play because after reaching 6400 rpm I could pull the throttle lever back 1/3 travel before the speed would drop. After playing with the throttle it felt like the soft rev limiter starts to come into play around 6200 rpm. That speed is surprisingly close to the upper end of the max throttle speed range (6000 rpm). What is most embarrassing is that my boat in the cities exceeds this engine speed and it has gauges. Attached is a photo of the gauges on that boat at speed.
So glad it was helpful to you DVW. Keep us posted when you re-prop. Sounds like you have some increased performance on the way. Nice to have that new tach installed now so you can pinpoint it all. Nice!!!