2275 RCW with Merc Optimax 150 Pro XS


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Just curious if anyone on this forum is running a Merc Optimax Prox XS (in any HP) and what prop you are running.

Dealer had a 15' pitch Mirage 3 blade prop on our 150 Pro XS. Won't know how boat runs till saturday when I put it into water for 1st time.

Just wanted to see any other 2275 owners with 150hp engines and what size props they were running


I have the Yamaha 150 and am running a 14.5 x 15 3 blade. I would think a 15 would be about right for your Opti or at least a good place to start.

Now get out there and have some fun :D

Got to play a bit with the boat today. Fairly calm, about a 1 foot chop. Looked at prop again today. It's a 15x15 Mercury Enertia prop. I though it was a mirage, but I was wrong.

Anyways, I have 3 hours on engine and per break in instructions, I can only hit wot for short bursts. 2 adults and full fuel we hit 44 mph according to gps at 5600 rpm. Max rpm for 150 a pro xs is 5750. I am so pleased and hoping to get another couple mph after break in.

It jumps on plane very quickly. Im not a merc fan, but after seeing how this engine performs, im sold.

Will get more mid range data this weekend.

Cool, I've heard that 15 x 15 Enertia is a great prop for a pontoon.

Its funny you mention that. I had the same thing happen on 2 of my offshore fishing boats. They both ran faster with 4only bladed props then with 3 blades. Technically, that's not supposed to happen. One was a single engine boat and the other was a twin engine boat. The only thing I could explain was the 15.25 diameter of the props must have had so much more surface area and the very heavy hulls needed so much lift, that it was more efficient, it resulted in less slip? I wonder if the prop calculator has some formula built in for certain diameter props and anything larger then 14with throws a wrench into the calculations?

Was that speed on GPS? I have a 2075GLI with ESP and a Yamaha F150 and the best I have seen is 39.5MPH on GPS with a very light load. It goes about 35-36 with a madium load and 33-35 MPH with a full load. 44MPH sounds really fast. I have a 14.5 by 15 Yamaha Reliance prop and am achieving 5900 RPM.
Yes, it was thru the garmin gps. The 150only xs is a HO witch puts out quite a bit of power according the folks at mercury. The folks at Bennington told me a twin elip boat will be faster in a straight line the a esp because of drag and weight of the extra tube. This is based on both boats having similar horsepower. In fact, Bennington has 2 tests with same 150hp yammahas on their website. 1 esp and 1 with twin elip. Twin elip runs 41. Esp runs 37. But again that is straight line speed. Esp will out turn and maneuver any 2 tube boat on the lake

i just ordered a mercury mirage plus at 16 diameter with a 13mercury pitch. Wanna get as close to 5750 rpm as close aspossible. Will post results when become available. I want 45mph. I am 1 mph away from my goal.
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