A/C in camper enclosure

Come Monday

Well-Known Member
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Sarasota FL
Does anyone have a clever way to get a small portable 5000btu A/C unit to run when you sleep on the hook and your camper enclosure is buttoned up?

We live in SW FL and summer is the time to be on the boat. There will most likely be some stifling hot nights that a fan won't be good enough. A little shot of A/C goes a long ways when you need it.

I don't want to mess with a portable honda generator. CO isn't to test with your family at stake.

I'm wondering if one of those fuel-less generators would work for the night. Only problem is they are super expensive - like $1500. We do use our boat a lot and could justify it if need be, but am throwing this out there for discussion. I can't be the only one that loves a Bennington, but doesn't like to sweat it's time for bed - and doesn't want to go home!
This is where you hit you tube and built you a bucket ac I would bet that at night it would make a big difference. I was planning on making one for just this reason and run it on a 12 volt fan, I saw one with a bucket a gallon of ice. Good luck to you
Here is how to make an ac unit from a bucket and fan.
That is all sorts of awesome! I am impressed! I bet a chunk of dry ice would last even longer. Thank you for the video.