A challenge.....


Reaction score
All right, dammit, this forum has a lot of potential, yet it's pretty slow and boring. Bennington Marine has invested a fair bit of coin into the development of this site and the response has been.......... well truthfully, a bit of a letdown.

Since there are more than 50 and less than 100 initial members, it's up to us to keep this site lively. I'm trying my best, but what's up with the rest of y'all?

I'd hate for the decision makers at BM to decide to throw less resources at this site with the justification of "there's too little traffic." So, remembering the old addage about avoiding politics and religion, let's get some action going on here.
I'm trying. I visit here a couple of times a day to see if it has changed. I try to post something somewhere at least once a day. I keep hoping it will get traction and take off.
You're right Goldnrod, so far the site goes along pretty slow, i try to visit daily and started the first Dock Talk thread, so i too am trying. Maybe i ought to start another one, like your favorite lake beverage...aah beer!
Well, here's an incentive: It looks like one goes from a Deckhand to a Captain after only 10 posts. Shoot, I'd rather be Captain any day. I make any kids that ride on my boats call me Captain; they get quite a kick out of it. Plus there's the fancy hat.....
This site has potential and I assume that as the weather improves and we all get our boats on the water we will have many more topics to share.
All right, dammit, this forum has a lot of potential, yet it's pretty slow and boring. Bennington Marine has invested a fair bit of coin into the development of this site and the response has been.......... well truthfully, a bit of a letdown.

Since there are more than 50 and less than 100 initial members, it's up to us to keep this site lively. I'm trying my best, but what's up with the rest of y'all?

I'd hate for the decision makers at BM to decide to throw less resources at this site with the justification of "there's too little traffic." So, remembering the old addage about avoiding politics and religion, let's get some action going on here.
Hey goldnrod 24, I like your attitude :p
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It sure is nice to know Bennington is involved in the forums and I certainly appreciate them answering my questions.
These forums can be quite informational if moderated and used properly. I have belonged to the Corvette forum for a number of years, very well run and the amount of information is amazing.

As a new Bennington owner I'm sure there are questions that I don't even know to ask. So in the mean time I'll watch listen and participate where I have any knowledge to share or just say hi.

Now I just need mother nature to cooperate and melt this 800 acre ice cube!

This is your Admiral speaking! I just past 30 posts and was promoted to Admiral. Now that's an incentive to get posting if I ever saw one.

I looked at the total post count and I'm the top poster; followed by Team Bennington and Geoffery and Brenda.

What happens after 50..... Supreme Ruler? After 100.... All Powerful? After 250..... Zeus?

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