All I can say is ,

We went through a kind of similar situation.  We listed our house in 2008 and could not sell it or even get an offer.  We relisted in 2010 for 40k less and sold it.  The positive was the new construction was almost 80k less than quoted in 2008.
Wish we could have now live on a lake, but when we left Mass. we lived in a 5th wheel for 2 months as we looked for a good location and price. The catch was being new to the area and not knowing that we'd sell the 5th wheel as things got tighter and own a pontoon boat, we didn't look at lake property. Now we have the boat, our second in 5 years. We'd love to move to a lake but the prices have gone through the roof or contractors are building 4k' Lake houses  in subdivisions, way more than we empty nesters need. Prices away from the lake are still very reasonable compare to up north, as are the taxes. So for now we trailer to the lake, a little work but it keeps me young. Go back north? Not on your life, except to visit the family.                                                 I was swimming in the lake yesterday the water temp., 79
Well I got lucky and my first house purchase ended up being on the lake. Figured buy my last house first and hoping I bought my last boat first...Maybe you can do a swap with my folks. they are considering moving up to Michigan from Texas
@ Lone Star,

We think alike.  I did the exact same thing.

Detroit?  Where are you at DYC?  on the river?