Anchor Rope


Well-Known Member
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Green Lake Wisconsin
Hello again! I saw the post about the anchors very helpful.Now my question to go with that post.Rope size diameter?And what would an average lenght be I know it depends on depth of lake,but is there a rule of thumb on this? What about kind of rope to use?

Thanks again! Jeff
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I also did a couple feet of chain on the end with the anchor attached, someone told me to. :D
Yeah, I guess the chain helps keep the "rope" from lifting and pulling the anchor "off" the bottom, or something to that effect.

Plus on bigger boats I think it's so the stress of the stowed position is not so much on the rope, but on the chain.
Nylon is recommended so there is some stretch against waves.

For boats 26 feet or less 3/8 is OK. For boats above 26 feet 1/2 is recommended.

Use a length of chain to provide weight to set the anchor. I use 4 feet.

Rope length is questionable. I would have at least 100 feet for 25 feet of water. Pontoons catch more wind than other boats.

You can go on web sites for this info - they normally say multiple water depth by 8 for rope length but if you anchor in coves you can use a lot less..
I've been taught to use 5:1 for normal conditions and 7:1 for rougher water.

That being said, I have 150' of 1/2" rope with 6' of chain.
If you get the box anchors, you don't need the chain and it will work with a 2-1 slope. I use 100' of 3/8 braided.
I prefer nylon rope, which won't rot.

Also, the clain helps to set the anchor.
Thanks to all.Things I never thought about until I purchased a pontoon boat.I can't wait to put them all into effect.

Thanks Jeff