Build date


Well-Known Member
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Lake Catatoga, IL
How long is it before you have been told of your build date? I signed my contract on Feb 9th and was told that it would be 6 weeks for delivery at most 8 weeks. I still haven't heard anything from my dealer yet is this normal?
Yeah, kinda' normal. Most of the time Bennington meets the 6 week date. I've heard a few go out to 8, but not many.
Did you call the them (the dealer) ?? Just a thought ..... :D
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Please click on the link to read more about scheduling! TB
Thanks for the link TB, it helped alot. Might not be what I wanted to hear but at least I have the info I needed.
Just got the date from the dealer, March 29th. motor came in last week. I CAN'T HARDLY WAIT!!!!!
Like a kid Christmas eve ........................
Worse than that right now.
If I remember correctly, I think my benny came in about a week past the date I was told when I ordered my boat... as for being like a kid at christmas, imagine taking your boat to the lake for the very first time, backing it down the launch, turning the key...... and nothing.... i mean zero.... stereo, lights, horn all worked.... but motor wouldn't crank.... after about 10 minutes of trying to figure out the problem, another boater pulled up, so we pulled on out and headed home..... my " christmas day" was ruined..... fortunately my neighbor ( who has owned several boats ) figured out my problem and I was out on the lake next day.....but I sure was unhappy ( and embarrassed ) on that first day...
If I remember correctly, I think my benny came in about a week past the date I was told when I ordered my boat... as for being like a kid at christmas, imagine taking your boat to the lake for the very first time, backing it down the launch, turning the key...... and nothing.... i mean zero.... stereo, lights, horn all worked.... but motor wouldn't crank.... after about 10 minutes of trying to figure out the problem, another boater pulled up, so we pulled on out and headed home..... my " christmas day" was ruined..... fortunately my neighbor ( who has owned several boats ) figured out my problem and I was out on the lake next day.....but I sure was unhappy ( and embarrassed ) on that first day...
What happened?
New owners, please ask your dealer to perform an on-water delivery for you, even if it's on a body of water that you would not frequent. We recommend that customers request this service if it is not offered by the dealer up front. It will help you learn the boat and insure everything is in proper working order. The engine ships on its own and requires dealer rigging to complete, otherwise Bennington would test the final rig at the plant. (and too, we are human...not much automation at Bennington, we build them one at a time.)
Roland, why wouldnt it start.My first time out on my bowrider, my son in law put it off the trailer and I told him to take it to our pier while I brought the truck and trailer back.I walked down to the pier and I asked what all that water pouring out the side was? then it dawned on me.THE PLUG.Ran back to the truck,put trailer back in the water an reloaded the boat.Thank goodness for auto bilge.I thought I checked everything.I used to go to the boat ramps just to watch stuff like that.We still laugh about that one.
What happened?
I am embarrassed to admit the problem... the damn thing wasn't in neutral! After I got the boat back to the house that first day, I was on board going over all the connections, kill switch, anything I could find, when my neighbor, who was coming home from work, saw the boat in my driveway and stopped to take a look... first words out of his mouth were, " well did you get it wet "... not today I said and told him how she wouldn't crank... he said is it in neutral? I said... you got to be kidding me..... they say we learn from our mistakes... I can tell you that without a doubt.... THAT will never happen to me again!. How dumb could I be? Geez...
That's the great thing about this board, we can share our personal stupidity and all have a laugh. I did the same thing! Luckily I figured it out before I got to the point of pulling the boat, but it was a panicky, tense moment!! Haha what was even funnier was the time I was in my courier truck backed up to a dock, unloaded, got back in, and she wouldn't crank or do anything! I sat there and tried and tried, even called Ford dealership and they came to check it out and couldn't figure it out. Part of the problem was that my gear shift indicator cable (or whatever it is called was broken so the red line on the P R N D 1 2 was always on 2) so it seemed when I backed into the bump stops, I forgot to slide the shifter up! Haha spent about 45 minutes trying to figure it out till I finally grabbed the shifter and slid it all the way down and back up. Started like a dream!! Haha