Can I switch Perko with the motor running?


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For the first time, I have a boat with dual batteries and a Perko switch on my 2017 RSB. Can I switch the Perko while underway?

I did some reading and it made my head hurt. My understanding is boats rigged in the last few years should be rigged to "make before break" so I should be OK. But if it was rigged to "break before make," you can fry some electronics like the alternator. ("Make" the connection to the newly selected battery before breaking the connection to the previously selected battery.) I do understand never to switch the Perko to off with the engine running. But I think going from battery 1 to 1+2 to battery 2 should be OK.
From everything I’ve ever seen it’s switch with engine off. If you have to question it …. I’d err to side of caution. No one on this forum knows how yours is wired so no one should be able to answer your question knowledgeably.
The perko switch (new ones, don’t know about old ones) are fine to switch, just don’t go through “off”. The blades on the switch make a connection with the next battery before disconnecting the current battery. You can confirm this if you have gauges, they will display no interruption of power, this you can do with motor off. Of course you can use a multimeter to confirm also.
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The perko switch (new ones, don’t know about old ones) are fine to switch, just don’t go through “off”. The blades on the switch make a connection with the next battery before disconnecting the current battery. You can confirm this if you have gauges, they will display no interruption of power, this you can do with motor off. Of course you can use a multimeter to confirm also.
Very clear explanation and your suggestion to watch the voltmeter gauge while someone moves the switch (key on but motor off) was just what I was looking for. I'll report back what mine does after I get a chance to do that. Thank you.
Hey Sunedog hope you and your wife are doing well down there in Lake Murray!!! How's that R been doing this summer?!? More pics when you have the chance! Take care!