Cleaning pontoons....what to use?


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Hey all,

Just received a brand new Benny a month ago. What a it. I want to stay on top of cleaning the pontoons and noticed some light residue starting to build. We have a beach nearby where we go regularily to swim and I could clean them there easily. What should I be using? What sort of cloths? I don't want to scratch but want to clean effectively. Any recommendations?
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I find elbow grease and sweat equity works the best. :p
Sweat equity without the use of elbow grease , interesting concept :unsure:  ...........Hmm ..............then its too hot for anything but a beverage at that point, the heck with work just enjoy it and don't look at the tubes then lol.

The difference between work and play is if you are sweating and NOT enjoying it then you are working.
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Sweat equity without the use of elbow grease , interesting concept :unsure:  ...........Hmm ..............then its too hot for anything but a beverage at that point, the heck with work just enjoy it and don't look at the tubes then lol.

The difference between work and play is if you are sweating and NOT enjoying it then you are working.
Not sure where this is going, but if we want to nit pic, then why take a car anywhere? Why even have a boat with a motor? Why not walk everywhere, and if you want to do the boat ride, pull your kayak or canoe to the water's edge, and paddle. :blink:

Sweat equity is not everything it's cracked up to be. My results with a sander and scotch bright pad, finishing with Lemon Pledge, are most likely as good as yours using elbow grease. I'll simply be able to hit WOT on the water while you're still sweating on your toons with that elbow grease and tired joints. :D  I simply answered the man's post with what I think works best for me. I didn't say it was "best" for everyone. If you enjoy the workout, please continue. I wish you the best.  

BTW, I also have a lawn service take care of my yard just because I don't want to spend 3 hours cutting, edging, and blowing off my lawn. Cheers! ;)
I was just throwing out jokes " My Friday Funny bone" , absolutely nothing serious at all in either of my posts, just my sense of humor that didn't get picked up on I guess. Oh well on to execute my next bad joke elsewhere. Have a good weekend all.
I just didn't know how to take it. I thought maybe you were having a bad day, and I was trying to be encouraging in my responses. I'm usually the one messing (funning) with people and getting someone ticked off at me. You're good! Be well, my friend! :D
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The smiley selection on this site sucks the big one so it is hard to show good expressions while joking. I do that a lot, guess I don't post quite enough on this site so folks don't have a good feel for my weird sense of humor, I like to pick on folks in a fun way comes off better in person or if one knows me or my personality.

But on a serious note I do throw facts out in a straight forward manner which really throws folks for a loop and wind up where you were some times lol.