Do you fog? Why or why not?


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I've never fogged my outboards for winter storage. With the advent of efi, most of my friends don't either.

No mention of it was made back in 2010 when I bought my Bennie with a black 115, but the dealer was pretty emphatic about me fogging my new, black and shiny 150.

Does he just need the winterizing business or is he right?

So, do you or don't you?
I always did my i/o, I probably will on the Suzuki as well.  Regardless of carb or EFI I think its good to have a lube coating inside the cylinder for startup next year.  However, I will read up on it specific to Suzuki.
Fogging prevents rust from forming, I fog personally   . An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!  I read an article recently on the EFI  style you pull the rubber gas line off at the filter and run a mixture through the engine of stabilizer. 
Fogged!! Manufacturer recommends it and it does it on its own. Just go thru a throttle sequence last time you pull it out of the water and good to go! Oh yeah make sure you drain it out too!
I spray some fogging oil in the intake when I winterize mine. I don't go nuts with it but give a healthy squirt. Fires up every spring so I'll continue to do so.
How about us southerner's that still get periods of decent weather throughout the winter?  How often should we run the boat so we don't have to fog?  If I get out there and run it around for a bit once a month during the cold months is that enough to not fog (running marine fuel, no ethanol)?
Yes, I do fog the engine as per the Evinrude E-tec Owner's Manual.  It's very simple and easy to do with the E-tec outboards using only the throttle lever after the last outing.  You can use the boat afterwards if nice boating weather should occur --  just fog the engine again.  Repeat as often as you wish.  
I fogged my carbureted version of our I/O. But since we got the fuel injected version our marina in Virginia and our current mechanic has winterized it. 

Quick question......How do you fog a fuel injected engine?!?!?
I fogged my carbureted version of our I/O. But since we got the fuel injected version our marina in Virginia and our current mechanic has winterized it. 

Quick question......How do you fog a fuel injected engine?!?!?

Through the intake.
How about us southerner's that still get periods of decent weather throughout the winter?  How often should we run the boat so we don't have to fog?  If I get out there and run it around for a bit once a month during the cold months is that enough to not fog (running marine fuel, no ethanol)?

I have never fogged the motor and it sat for a year on the lift with no problems.
Under the black piece I was leaning on.
Under the black piece I was leaning on.

I know that's where the carburetor was on my 1st boat. Didn't realize that there was an intake there.....
I know that's where the carburetor was on my 1st boat. Didn't realize that there was an intake there.....

Yup, throttle body. It has to breathe.
Don't fog -- just go out once a month for about an hour or so from about Nov to April.
I do what raoyal14 does. I'll bet it tough pushing those boats across the ice topped lakes in the north, though. :)
I had the shop fog mine. As for ice... we just break it.
