Engine upgrade possible?

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New to the pontoon world, purchased a 2006 2050 RL with a Yamaha 50 HP 4 stroke. Runs great but for me seems a little underpowered. Just wondering if anyone can help me with how large can I go on this model? I have seen some sites say 90 HP is max but I have seen other posts that people have put a 115 HP on. I would like to get around 25 MPH instead of the 12-13 I get now. Thanks all, look forward to any insight.
What does the tag say next to the helm?
If the tag is missing ,you can also email Bennington with your hull ID .They can you give you your complete specs
If it is a 2 toon with no lifting strakes, the 90 hp will not get you 25 mph.
New to the pontoon world, purchased a 2006 2050 RL with a Yamaha 50 HP 4 stroke. Runs great but for me seems a little underpowered. Just wondering if anyone can help me with how large can I go on this model? I have seen some sites say 90 HP is max but I have seen other posts that people have put a 115 HP on. I would like to get around 25 MPH instead of the 12-13 I get now. Thanks all, look forward to any insight.
For reference my 20’ has 25 “ toons/ lifting strikes and gets 27 mph with 2 people/ Dog - 30 mph when alone and perfect conditions
i have a 04 Benington 2 toon with mercury 90hp and i barely get 25mph. Has to be glass out for me to reach that and running at like 5700rpm. i ran at 17mph and it perfect speed
2017 20' with strakes. 90HP Yamaha, 25" toons and it tops out at 28mph with full tank, two people and two dogs.