Four Letter Words


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The four-letter word (heh heh) minimum search rule is pretty annoying.

It would be nice if "search" allowed 3 letter words so that searching for motor hp would be possible. For example, you get an error when you do a search for "150 hp".

Hey TB, how about fixing this?

I'm guessing this was originally set to decrease search time and server/CPU load, but we're not in the 80s anymore.
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Yeah, it got me lots when I was searching for "sub" that's why I try to put 150hp or 250SHO together, that way when I go looking for it later, I can find it!
I work in IT with search engines a lot and I can tell you decreasing that little number by one click to 3 creates a huge increase in search terms to index and sort through. Many terms are high occurrences like "the", "and", "she", "for", "are", "did", "can", etc. which make the real unique things you want like "SHO" hard to nail down. It's like a needle of "SHO" in a haystack of "the"'s and such. It can be done, but comes at a performance cost.