Help with Stereo question


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Hey Guys,

The person I had put in my Bazooka sub/amp was putting in my siriusxm receiver and antenna.  The simple one connection hookup in the back of the head unit is being taken up by one of my dealer installed Sony remotes.  He is a little stumped on how to fix this.  Can a splitter be used here?  I am not home with the boat, so I don't have pics.  The boat came with one stereo remote on the helm and I had the dealer install one on my rear lounger, they must have connected it to the siriusxm connection port on the back.

Any opinions on what to do?  Do I need to upgrade my Sony stereo to one with more connections in the back?

I have a splitter made for sony, ebay 11 bucks, used for adding second remote or a cd changer or hd

. You need to make sure that the sirius ant is not the 50 dollar one. The front of the radio has to say sirius xm ready for that unit. The satellite hd ready or sirius ready radios use the 300.00 discontinued unit
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I have a splitter made for sony, ebay 11 bucks, used for adding second remote or a cd changer or hd

. You need to make sure that the sirius ant is not the 50 dollar one. The front of the radio has to say sirius xm ready for that unit. The satellite hd ready or sirius ready radios use the 300.00 discontinued unit

My Sony radio says SiriusXM ready on it.  There is an input on the back especially for this receiver/antenna, but one of my sony remotes is plugged into it, not sure if I can splice that remote into the other one? or put a splitter in the input for the SiriusXM.  Not sure why you say not to use the cheaper antenna?  I purchased what many boaters have, which the whole kit is only $40, they say it works great, I am also not in a salt environment.  That antenna is made for weather because it would be outside on the car/truck also.  It has gotten great reviews on other websites.  Here is what I got

My Sony radio says SiriusXM ready on it.  There is an input on the back especially for this receiver/antenna, but one of my sony remotes is plugged into it, not sure if I can splice that remote into the other one? or put a splitter in the input for the SiriusXM.  Not sure why you say not to use the cheaper antenna?  I purchased what many boaters have, which the whole kit is only $40, they say it works great, I am also not in a salt environment.  That antenna is made for weather because it would be outside on the car/truck also.  It has gotten great reviews on other websites.  Here is what I got
I think what he is saying is if you remember they used to be two different companies. Sirius or XM. If the radio just said Siruis Ready or XM Ready, you would need the more expensive antenna. But if the head unit says SiriusXM, then the cheaper antenna will work. At least that's how I read his comment. Yes you should be able to buy the specific splitter and split the remote pod control connection. I believe that was how my last boat was done. Somehow when I ordered my current one the second lounger remote wasn't listed as an option so I assumed it had it included with all the upgraded stereo stuff. Silly me should have known better and asked! Oh well.
Thanks a bunch guys.  Willb, I just purchased that same splitter on Ebay also, I hope it works.  Yes, my stereo says siriusxm ready on it. Everything should be good to go, I have the Sony CDX-M60UI.  Thanks again guys.

Edit:  Well, I am just looking at the specs online and it says sat ready, is this still ok for siriusxm????  Now I am getting confused.

Willb, what is it that I have to purchase to get siriusxm for this stereo?
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Well, looks like I really got myself into a bind now.  Willb, you are correct, my stereo is just Sat/HD ready.  So here is my dilemma, I have no problem purchasing this unit from Amazon

This is SiriusXM ready.  The problem is my wired remotes are RMX60 M L, which I don't think work for this unit?  I don't want to replace my remotes now either.

I am not sure what I need to purchase for siriusxm for the head unit I have.  Either of you have any suggestions on which way I should go, what to buy now?

I usually only comment on things that I have experience with. I too returned that tuner back to Amazon.

Sony doesn't have unit that is true SiriusXM compatible and r 60 commander remote that is in our boats.

I am going this route:

Adding the 5v adapter to spare switch
Thanks willb,

Derrick's link helped a lot.  I had to order the complete sony sirius kit, if not like you said I could not find a siriusxm compatible ready headset that used my remotes.  Actually, I found a couple but they were lacking in other departments.
