Hydraulic trim failing

jobby tooner

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We have a 2018 25 RSB —-after 3-4 days the motor’s trim is failing and the engine pitches into this down position. Have seen zero hydraulic fluid leak from the transom
Any suggestions?
PS. Mooring ball works great in lieu of $25,000 lift
Beautiful glimpse of your boat. I wish I had some useful trim trouble shooting ideas. Have you inquired with dealership? Any chance you have some sort of extended warranty on the motor that might provide assistance.

Having seen mooring ball failures, and been impacted by a rental neighbors who’s boat broke free and damaged our boat and lodged into our sea wall and dock while they went out to dinner, I always cringe when I see a big boat on them. Our starboard pontoon is all scrapped up, but fortunately most of it is below the water line.

Another neighbor recently told me the local paper at our cottage had a list of boating regulations this past spring. It showed that motorized water craft are not allowed to be kept overnight on a mooring ball/line here. Wish I’d known that 2 years ago when the rental neighbors boat broke free and did the the following.


Beautiful boat. Good luck with repairing/resolving the trim problem. I hope your boat stays secured and you don’t have any further issues with it.
thanks for response--the guys on lake charlevoix ( Tow Boat US and northwest scuba) set this up for us. 800 lb anchor and lines specially made at Irish Marine--the lake does whip up several times per year--so far so good.
thanks for response--the guys on lake charlevoix ( Tow Boat US and northwest scuba) set this up for us. 800 lb anchor and lines specially made at Irish Marine--the lake does whip up several times per year--so far so good.
Sounds like a very good and professional set up. That should be a difference maker. Nice!
Okay I've never kept our boat on a mooring ball but I understand the concept. As a precaution and to prevent the damage that happened to Jeff's boat....... Can you use your anchor as a safety net in case the boat breaks from the mooring ball?!?