Indian Lake Ohio and other Ohio boaters

Yes there seems to be a lot more floating debris this year.  We try to remove as much as we can when we are out and about on the lake.  That's part of our job as USFBA members on the lake......tow disabled boats and remove trash when we can.  As a perk with the organization you can write off your boat fuel and mileage driven to the lake on your taxes at the end of the year.

Due to the above normal rain that this area has seen over the last month there seems to be quite a bit of trash that floats into the lake from the feeder channel over at mound wood.

if you were boating here over the last few years with several of the other lakes close by having issues (algae at grand lake and the lake draw down at buckeye) you would have noticed a BUNCH more boat traffic.  This year it seems to be better or maybe I just got used to all the extra traffic and thinks it's the norm now.  At any rate boating on the weekends can be a challenge at times with extra boats and jet skis running around.  Give a Monday or Tuesday a try and it becomes a whole new lake with hardly any traffic and smooth water.  

When you said you hit something were you over by the state park campgrounds by chance?  That is a well known tree stump area and used to be shown on the maps that spend a day used to hand out to all down for all the bridges and such.  

Are you looking for a house to buy or a place to rent for the week or weekend? We bought our place on orchard island 5 years ago and have noticed that prices seem to swing up and now down every few years.  Lots of places for sale if want on the water but don't forget your checkbook as most are a bit on the spendy side.

if you are back in the IL area sometime get ahold of me here and the wife and I can show you around out on the lake a bit. has a lot of info on things going on and around the lake.

Christmas in July glow party and lighted boat parade is on for tomorrow night (July 29th) at old field beach.  Harbor fest is the following weekend at Russell's point harbor.  Second week of August is the party on the beach at old field.  Always the Sunday night over Labor Day weekend is the ring of fire to celebrate another great year on the lake.
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 Some of these guys with their thru hull exhaust is just obnoxious.

The wife and I were out last evening, enjoying a sunset cruise. We had come to a stop, and were just drifting when I heard the through the hull exhaust roaring past. I expected to turn around and see a rooster tail the length of a football field, but he was doing about 20 MPH. Those things are soooo loud. 
The wife and I went out to eat at cranberry's (local waterfront bar/restaurant) and what I would guess to be a 28-30 foot baja with twin engines came in.  Yep through transom exhaust and loud as could be.  I will give the guy props on his docking skills though pulled in and tied up in less time that it took the pontoon at the end to tie up 2 dock lines.
Thanks for the reply. I hit something in the area between Turtle Shell Island and the shore...wasn't too far off the buoys. At least I *think* I hit something. We weren't full throttle, but both of us in the boat felt the lurch. I stopped and looked at the prop, but not really knowing what I was looking for didn't see anything.

Renting a cottage for a week next month. Hopefully it all goes well with the boat this time. ;)  

Thanks for all the info!
Over by Waterbury (between turtle shell and the shore) is also marked at a possible stump zone on this map.


We we have hit things (bottom stumps or other) in areas we have gone through many many times and never had a problem.  Hit is more like a bump and not with a prop strike.  You do have to remember that there are spots in the lake that are barely 2 foot deep and underwater objects are rather easy to hit.  If you haven't been on indian lake in a while the water currently is up roughy 8-10 inches over normal pool but that still doesn't mean it's deep by any means.  The deepest part is over by Dream bridge and you can get depth readings of 12-13 foot till you get about half way to the no wake buoys then it goes back to 4-6 as an average.

Renting is a good way to see if you are going to like the area and all the activities that go on here over the summer.  Seems like there is always something going on.  Live bands (if that's your thing) are at almost every bar/resturant on Friday and Saturday nights.  That is besides all the events that the chamber puts on throughout the year.
Thanks again. Is there a place I can get a good print out of that map? The map from SAD doesn't seem to show some of those things...

Edit: Maybe it does show that stump area....but I feel like the perspective is off. I was on the fast side of the buoys. I found your map on but is there one with better resolution?
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These submerged things are the exact reason I boat on a lake 45 minutes from my house versus the Ohio River which is 1/2 mile away. Tappan Lake in Harrison County, know all the areas well. Have had no problems with the fiberglass runabout for the last 12 years with hitting debris, anticipate no problems with the new pontoon.