Interior Damage warning (Glad Bag) edition


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Lake Tulloch Ca
Hey we found out the hard way that plastic GLAD bags we use as lines in our trash containers, the bags have some sort of ink on them that will transfer to your vinyl. Example


Thanks for sharing.
Turn them inside out i guess...
(Illinois ave)

No we still have the (Tattoo) I even removed the seat and placed it in the sun. Sometimes direct sunlight will take out stains most heavy duty cleaners will not.

And I never thought about turning the bags inside out. That’s a great tip. We have just been careful not to take the garbage out and put it on the seats. So now it comes out of the garbage and directly into the trash. “Do not pass go - Go straight into the Trash”
Try a NORWEX rag and water. I use them to clean anything. No chemicals required. They work especially good on leather and vinyl since you don't have to use any chemicals. cheaper imitation rags do not do it.