July 4th Challenge


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For the first time in years, I have July 4th off and now have a boat. Anyone around D.C. ever brave the inebreated boaters and try and watch the fireworks from the Potomac? Anybody heading in and want to raft up? Any tips or tricks? I would really like to experience this but concerned about the hassle factor...
I've never braved it, mostly because we would have a long trip back down to Woodbridge and there is frequently a good bit of wood washed off the shoreline still in the water at that time.  Hard to see it in the dark!  With you being much closer though it should be a good option for you.  You don't have to go all the way up to the Lincoln Memorial to get a great view, and that would help avoiding the crazies.  Alternatively, Alexandria puts on a good fireworks show to celebrate their birthday and this year it's on July 8th.  Tim's Rivershore does a good show down here in Woodbridge.  It's always a great view to see fireworks from the water, provided you can avoid the drunks.  
Hassle factor........Big! Throw in the crowds and the hot and humid weather of DC in July........Pain in the Butt!

Watching the DC fireworks from your boat w/your family..........PRICELESS!

Yes we have braved the Potomac on the 4th of July! The key is to go early and plan to leave late unless you go right for the ramp when the fireworks end. We put our boat in at Gravelly Point just north of the airport. (You know where everybody goes to watch the planes take off and land.) US Park police run a tight ship there and once the lot fills they close the lot. Once you launch your boat you don't have to go far. We anchored not far from the ramp. The fireworks fill the sky and no way I would go down towards Memorial bridge where 90% of the boats will be. If you've never been on the Potomac it's relatively shallow and staying in the channel is recommended. I remember it taking what seemed like forever to get out of the lot that night. Because there are lots of people who picnic there all day in addition to the boaters using the ramp......