Loud horn


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Michigan Center, MI
Was thinking about a very redneck idea of installing a 2 or 3 horn semi-truck horn on my Bennington. I know you need a small air compressor for it to work as well which some kits include.

1. Anyone have specific brands that they recommend?

2. Where should I mount it?


Ya know Keith, i understand the desire to do such a thing, and i don't really oppose doing it, just don't be "that a**hole"

There is a guy locally who installed a locomotive horn on his truck, for some reason he feels the need to blow it when going through the marina parking lot on the way to the boat ramp.

I am not the only one who has about fallen off my boat when he blows it, let alone the heart attack risk!

I'll get off the soap box now, while i cannot recommend a brand, it seems to me the best location would be under the helm.

There you will have your power for the compressor, a short wiring run for the horn button, and that keeps it out of the elements as well.

Good luck with this project, and let us know what you decide on!
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Unless its absolutely necessary due to traffic where you boat, my personal opinion is it's "redneck".

My Benny horn is plenty loud, and really don't want to draw unneeded attention and become known as "that guy""

Just my 2 cents ........

I agree to the "redneck" remark, but damn wouldnt I love to get a horn that sounds like a barge!
If I cruised the Chesapeake Bay, then yes I would probably do it too .... :)
If I mount it under the helm as suggested...I dunno....seems pretty confined for such a horn?
I've seen them mounted up front, under the deck, with baffels to keep out water. I believe they were from a semi.
Yeah there we go. I like that mounting area better because then it won't be so loud for me or my passengers. Guess I don't fully understand what the baffles would look like though.
I've seen them mounted on the side panels, not on a Bennie, but I also wonder about on the front of the deck, maybe behind the docking lights, might have to raise it up with a mounting plate or something. If you REALLY still want to do it.

Here's the horns I was talking about.
Yeah that's how I'd LIKE to mount them...underneath like that. But does the water splashing on it affect it? I have found some that don't require a compressor either.
Here's an AFI horn I got for xmas - 123 db, and no compressor required. It's just under 6.5" tall if mounted vertically, and less than 5" tall if mounted horizontally. From the instructions, "mount the horn where a minimum of spray will hit the horn when the boat is underway. Mount the horn facing forward, and at a slight downward angle to prevent it from collecting water spray." I am going to take a long hard look at under deck mounting.

http://www.amazon.co...nal shorty horn

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Check out Howard's Horns for motorcycles. I had one my Harley, and it was LOUD, but not obnoxious, and it came with protectors so water/road debris would't go in the horns so easily.
I think I asked a similar question about a year ago, in case you want to look back and see what all was said then. I decided to get the "portable horn on a can of compressed air", and keep it near the helm just for emergency use. It's not something super quick to get at, but placed in a cup holder, it's no farther away than the stock horn switch. The horn on my boat is terrible and not loud at all.

If you're set on something really loud though, THIS might be a little less redneck:

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Finally mounted my AFI Shorty the other day.


It is mounted under the deck, as close as possible to the starboard toon. In fact, it's almost directly over the spray deflector. The AFI Shorty commands a lot more attention than the old Fiam horn. Using my cellphone, I captured before and after audio standing about 20' in front of the boat. The difference is even better in person. Just have to figure out how to share the wav files.