Mold in carpet

I have used "Shockwave" for the mold on our carpet for years.  It is not a bleach so it does not take the color out of the carpet.  
I'm sure that Shockwave that Bruce uses is a good product.. I've never tried it but I would.....Whenever I get some mildew/mold on the carpet or on the seats I have used a diluted solution of bleach and water. (For example I would put a couple teaspoons of bleach in a 16 oz. spray bottle and the rest clean water. I spray the mildew/mold watch it disappear then rinse w/clean water and let dry..............My boat is 10 years old and I have never had any problem w/discoloration w/the carpet or of the upholstery. I would understand if you guys w/newer boats didn't want to try this method but I have always done it this way................ 
I would have to think that the carpet is polypropylene and bleach will not stain or discolor it
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