Radio feedback noise


Well-Known Member
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Michigan Center, MI
I have a 2005 2575 RL I/O. If the motor is running and the radio is on (Sirius/XM) AND I turn on the navagation lights, I get a terrible feedback through my speakers. As soon as I turn the navagation lights off, the noise goes away. Any ideas as to why this is happening and what I can do to resolve this?

Hi Keith, check your nav lights, if that is the only accy. giving you the noise. A bad connection can cause static in the stereo. So look them over pretty close for a loose wiring connetions, loose or bad bulbs. The ground side can often be the problem. Let us know what you find!
Thanks for the tip. However, I tried to duplicate the 'problem' today and now it doesn't do it. If it ends up doing it again I think you may be right. I'll look over the wiring for all of my navigation lights this weekend. Thanks again!
Well I took another night cruise last night and I still do not have that problem anymore. I'm glad but that's just weird. Maybe the first time it happened I got some water somewhere from zooming around earlier in the day. Plus it had been very muggy during that period of time.