Registration lettering


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I just took delivery of the boat. Getting ready to do the registration thing. Was wondering if anyone knows what color will work best(for the lettering) on a black boat with the mesa graphics?

I would like for it to look semi-custom. Not really fired up about it looking like the old standard "mailbox numbers". You know what I am talking about? The black letters on white background rectangular boxes just don't appeal. I know there are new styles out there, I am mainly trying to get color advice.

Was thinking possibly about trying to find some nice chrome lettering to accent the Bennington logos and chrome found on the boat. Anyone tried this?

If anyone has a good place to purchase, please let me know.

I had our letters and name printed at a local stereo shop where they do custom vinyl graphics. I cannot remember the font but it was in a book they have, the color I chose was a bright blue metallic, it was slightly lighter than the blue on the graphic but the metal flake in the vinyl matched the size of the side graphics so I think it turned out great. They did have some chrome style graphic for boats there too so I would say find a local custom auto shop, it may pay off.

You should consider what the police presense is where you boat. If you have alot of cops with a by the book attitude, I would recomend white letters in a standard font with the exact spacing required by law. If you boat on a lake like mine (a no cop lake) I would go with letters in your Mesa grafics color. I was hasseled because I had grey letters on a burgurdy hull, in lake Michigan years ago on a boat I used to have.
You should consider what the police presense is where you boat. If you have alot of cops with a by the book attitude, I would recomend white letters in a standard font with the exact spacing required by law. If you boat on a lake like mine (a no cop lake) I would go with letters in your Mesa grafics color. I was hasseled because I had grey letters on a burgurdy hull, in lake Michigan years ago on a boat I used to have.
you were being harrased by a cop that did not know the law, I copied this from MI.GOV website

Boats are numbered according to state and federal regulations. These regulations help protect people from careless boat operators and improperly equipped boats. A Certificate of Number is issued to tell enforcement officers that a boat is properly registered. The numbers must be displayed properly on the boat.

The law requires:

The figures are to be read from left to right.

They must be displayed on the forward half of each side of the bow of the boat.

Numbers must be bold, block letters of good proportion.

Numbers must not be less than three inches high.

They must be of contrasting color to the boat hull or background.

They must be as high above the waterline as practical.

No number other than the number assigned can be displayed on the forward half of the vessel.

Letters must be separated from numbers by spaces or hyphens.

Validation decals must be three inches to the right of the last letter displayed.

Boat Certificate of Registration must be carried on vessel when being operated.
He said that grey was not contrasting enough. I have found that boat laws are whatever the cop thinks they are. Acessable life jackets is a good example, some cops are ok with them being in the compartment under the seats, other cops say they have to be out on the floor or seats. If you disagree with them and show them a copy of the law they threaten to arrest you for harrassment. I have found it's best to be nice, agree with them and promise to correct whatever they say is wrong, and you MIGHT get away without a ticket. I think boat cop tickets are about raising revenue.
He said that grey was not contrasting enough. I have found that boat laws are whatever the cop thinks they are. Acessable life jackets is a good example, some cops are ok with them being in the compartment under the seats, other cops say they have to be out on the floor or seats. If you disagree with them and show them a copy of the law they threaten to arrest you for harrassment. I have found it's best to be nice, agree with them and promise to correct whatever they say is wrong, and you MIGHT get away without a ticket. I think boat cop tickets are about raising revenue.
I think some of it is that you are located in Oakland Co, I have heard they can be pretty bad

Since I moved to MI. about 6 years ago I have not had any interaction with boat cops. It was mostly from when I lived in the Chicago area and other states that I base my comments on. And with any group of people there are good and bad, so I am not saying all boat cops make up laws. But if you are in an area with aggresive boat cops it is wise to have registration numbers that are to the exact standard of the law. Otherwise it gives them a reason to board and inspect you. When they say that the numbers should be contrasting, they don't mean it in an artistic sense but in a maximum visability sense. So they want white numbers on a dark colerd hull and black numbers on a light colored hull.
Well, I got on the net and looked around. After a short search,I found They stated they met all Federal requirements. I pulled the trigger and went with a marine grade chrome vinyl lettering. I am hoping it is "chrome" enough to look good and make the rest of the chrome on the boat pop.

As for my home lake goes, we rarely get harrassed by the law. They usually don't bother you unless you are making an imbecile of yourself. Hope I can avoid that.
That should look very nice.
Well, I got on the net and looked around. After a short search,I found They stated they met all Federal requirements. I pulled the trigger and went with a marine grade chrome vinyl lettering. I am hoping it is "chrome" enough to look good and make the rest of the chrome on the boat pop.

As for my home lake goes, we rarely get harrassed by the law. They usually don't bother you unless you are making an imbecile of yourself. Hope I can avoid that.
I am too considering the chrome registration lettering. How did it turn out for you from the Sign Specialist? Does it look nice with the other Bennington Chrome lettering on the boat? I was wondering if the chrome is easy to read from a distance. If not, I was thinking about the silver metallic. Thoughts?


I am too considering the chrome registration lettering. How did it turn out for you from the Sign Specialist? Does it look nice with the other Bennington Chrome lettering on the boat? I was wondering if the chrome is easy to read from a distance. If not, I was thinking about the silver metallic. Thoughts?


Havent had the chance to see it from a distance on the water. LOL However, it looks real nice to me on the boat. It does made the other chrome stand out to me. Good luck with your choice.