Shootout Video

Jack M

Reaction score
Indian River ,Michigan
I am dying to get ours to the lake even more after watching this.
Here is another ,got it to 107 

That looks ridiculous. Not my cup of tea.
Glad I'm not paying his gas bill for those engines.  Wow.  That is impressive.
107?  I have to call BS on that.  I've been on a boat that went 115, and it was a racing hydroplane.  I'll never go out on that boat again.  if it did go 107, that guy is a moron.
It's for real, I've seen it, along with the literature stating the "worlds fastest" etc.

Triple 300's

Triple 23" tubes, yes 23"....supposedly faster, less drag.

It is not based off of an existing production model, well I guess it started life as a 925 CR, but it now has the fiberglass rail fronts like the 900 series Sports added on, I would presume for aerodynamics.
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Ok , speed is cool, but that guys an f'n idiot taking passengers, LET ALONE WITHOUT LIFE JACKETS on a run like that. If that thing did a blowover you'd probably have 3 dead people. Captains one thing, but 2 innocent passengers, no matter how dumb they are, is not acceptable. This guys a dipsh**.
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I kinda thought the same thing....I mean the only thing they are missing is cocktails!
If ANY extra air gets under that cavity for sure they'd flip. Bow up first and the three in the boat would be picked up not breathing. HOW STUPID. 107, no jackets, no helmets, no sense.  Did you see how low the toons are in the water at idle That weight has got to tell you something is AWFUL WRONG with the balance. Not a good idea for a copy cat.
Look close ,there are actually 4 on the boat .
Four IDIOTS. Must be Red Necks. What do you think the whole unit would cost and don't you think the Insurance Co. would BOCK if a claim was filed. ( The filing would have to be done by Mrs. Red Neck. Mr. Red Neck would be ah ------WELL?) 