Speaking of Sharkhide ?


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I have a dealer telling me the problem with sharkhide is that it decreases your speed. Anyone experience that ? Says that is the case with any toon coating. 50 years in the business and sells a LOT of toons. He wasn't knocking the product for what it does well, but said it negatively impacts speed.
I've never heard of that. I added it to mine and haven't seen any negative effect on speed.
I find that very difficult to believe. It’s not like bottom paint; it’s invisible, like water. Mine has it and you can’t really even tell except for the tag.


  • 2021-01-09 11.39.01.jpg
    2021-01-09 11.39.01.jpg
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I have had it on 3 Benningtons ,all have had Sharkhide applied .I have never heard of of it causing a loss of speed.
Clint is the owner of Sharkhide , you can contact him at the link below. He will answer any concerns you may have

I have a dealer telling me the problem with sharkhide is that it decreases your speed. Anyone experience that ? Says that is the case with any toon coating. 50 years in the business and sells a LOT of toons. He wasn't knocking the product for what it does well, but said it negatively impacts speed.
Your dealers ummmm ... misinformed... well technically, it probably does slow you by 1/1000th mph. Ask him where he got that fact from. The only reason Sharkhide would slow you down is from the people that think it “stops” growth on their toons and they never clean them.
For the record, he's not MY dealer. I don't have a dealer, and I never agreed with what he told me, but just wanted you guys to confirm my thinking. I will be asking him, in time, where he gets that information from as he has no reason to make it up. They sell and apply such products if the customer so chooses.
For the record, he's not MY dealer. I don't have a dealer, and I never agreed with what he told me, but just wanted you guys to confirm my thinking. I will be asking him, in time, where he gets that information from as he has no reason to make it up. They sell and apply such products if the customer so chooses.
It astounds me sometimes when I stand in a store and a clerk or salesperson is talking to me with such confidence about something that either they know nothing about, or are completely wrong. It takes all my energy as a good person not to laugh in their face and walk away. While I don’t think they are purposefully deceiving me, my approach has always been to never speak with such absolutes as to not allow an opposing opinion from someone with whom I am speaking.
I just have to agree with everyone above. Not sure what assumptions the person was making. I have never heard this, and based on the performance that everyone gets with Sharkhide (including ourselves), I just see no evidence of it impacting performance in any registrable measure.

Like others mentioned, maybe its based on feedback they’ve received from owners that have it on boats that sit in the water full time BUT DO NOT keep their toons wiped down periodically - hence toon scum/growth causing a slight slowdown.

This is why it’s always good to ask fellow experienced boaters with the product too.
It astounds me sometimes when I stand in a store and a clerk or salesperson is talking to me with such confidence about something that either they know nothing about, or are completely wrong. It takes all my energy as a good person not to laugh in their face and walk away. While I don’t think they are purposefully deceiving me, my approach has always been to never speak with such absolutes as to not allow an opposing opinion from someone with whom I am speakin
Love this old scene from parks and rec
Love this old scene from parks and rec
Remember... I said I was a GOOD person. Now I want to use this line next time I’m in Lowes.
Something is smelling pretty fishy with that statement... And it's not the Sharkhide. ;)

I knew it was time to start looking back in on this group. Spring is just around the corner.