

this is my tippman x7 phenom paintball gun with the apex 2 barrel
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Here's one:


And another:

Speaking of not being sharp enough... I tried to attatch some pics, but it said the file was too large. so help out an old tech challenged wrench and tell me what i'm doing wrong!
Speaking of not being sharp enough... I tried to attatch some pics, but it said the file was too large. so help out an old tech challenged wrench and tell me what i'm doing wrong!
Looks like they limit you to a total of 500k of space for all of your attachments. Shrink the size of the pic and it should work. 500k is very small as an overall limit. Storage is cheap. Increasing that is definitely needed. Old posts will become useless to look up hints or examples if the attachments have to be removed to make room for new posts. I understand the need to limit it but wow. I have three Terabytes of storage at my house for personal use.

I guess one answer to that is to store your pic on your own website and link to it but if you are tech challenged then I won't even go there. The pics I attach average 80k so you have room to shrink it with any picture editor.
Looks like they limit you to a total of 500k of space for all of your attachments. Shrink the size of the pic and it should work. 500k is very small as an overall limit. Storage is cheap. Increasing that is definitely needed. Old posts will become useless to look up hints or examples if the attachments have to be removed to make room for new posts. I understand the need to limit it but wow. I have three Terabytes of storage at my house for personal use.

I guess one answer to that is to store your pic on your own website and link to it but if you are tech challenged then I won't even go there. The pics I attach average 80k so you have room to shrink it with any picture editor.
Most forums limit file size so that members who are still using dialup connections can get pages to load in a reasonable amount of time. The are programs out there that will reduce file sizes automatically for you. Most people's cameras today are more than 10 mega-pixels, that is a huge file for a small forum pic...
Most forums limit file size so that members who are still using dialup connections can get pages to load in a reasonable amount of time. The are programs out there that will reduce file sizes automatically for you. Most people's cameras today are more than 10 mega-pixels, that is a huge file for a small forum pic...
I agree. Makes sense. I was wondering why the overall limit of all of my uploads across all forums and all threads is limited however. On a single Page I can understand limiting a single upload, but across the site I am also limited by the same amount and so I have to delete my older posts in other threads in other forums in order to make room for new posts with attachments in this one.